go to the doctor / go see a doctor 看病
I need to go to the doctor / go see a doctor. 我要去看病。
go to the hospital 去医院(较⼤的病)
general hospital ⼤型综合医院
family doctor 家庭医⽣
primary care 初级治疗
They will treat you. 他们会为你治疗。
They will refer you. 他们会给你转诊。
refer 移交,转到
specialist 专科医⽣
refer you to see a specialist 将你转诊到专科医⽣那⾥
cost / expense 费⽤
It has a pretty good public health system. 它有很不错的公共医疗体系。
life-threatening disease 危及⽣命的病
dental ⽛的,⽛⻮的
prescription drugs 处⽅药
drugs 毒品;药
drug store 药店
The wait list is pretty long. 等待时间很⻓。
make an appoinment 预约
The government controls the price to make sure it's affordable. 政府会定价,确保⼈们能承受价格。
It really works. 很有⽤。
travel emergency 旅游时的紧急状况
unaffordable 负担不起
bill 费⽤
insurance company 保险公司
Obamacare 奥巴⻢医改
uninsured 没有保险的
self-employed 个体经营的
keep raising the price 不断抬⾼价格
overhead 经常性⽀出,运营费⽤(常⽤复数)
paperwork ⽂字⼯作
hire 雇佣
stuff member 职员
admin ⾏政
private sector 私营部⻔
for profit 为了盈利
It's very hard to keep prices down. 很难把价格降低。