


James is two years old and he worships his big sister Janice. He wants to do everything she does. Janice adores her little brother, but mostly, Janice just likes to be in charge.

When James gets a new set of blocks, Janice wants to be in charge of them. She takes them away from him and starts to build a tower.

Of course, James does not like this. He screams and hits Janice. He knocks her tower over. Then Janice screams and hits him back.

Their mother comes into the room. "Stop!" she says in a high voice. "Enough!" She picks Janice up and puts her on the couch.

Then she explains, "Janice, these blocks belong to James. They are his. They are not yours. If he wants to share them with you, he can, but you do not have the right to just go take what is his. Do you understand?"

Janice nods. Her mother continues. "What if I went over to the neighbor's house and just took something that I wanted? That would be wrong. We do not do that. People have the right to their own things."

"Okay, Mom," Janice says.

"Okay," James tries to say.

1. James is two years old and he worships his big sister Janice. He wants to do everything she does.


他两岁了:He is two.或者He is two years old.

一个两岁的男孩:a two-year-old boy,不加s,two-year-old三个词之间要用hyphen连字符

big sister: 姐姐

big brother: 哥哥

2. Janice adores her little brother, but mostly, Janice just likes to be in charge.


adore: 喜爱


be in charge:管事

3. When James gets a new set of blocks, Janice wants to be in charge of them.


blocks: 积木

4. She takes them away from him and starts to build a tower.


take away:把东西拿走

take away from:把东西从某人那里拿走

start to:开始做某事

5. Of course, James does not like this. He screams and hits Janice. He knocks her tower over. Then Janice screams and hits him back.


knock over:推倒

6. Their mother comes into the room. "Stop!" she says in a high voice. "Enough!" She picks Janice up and puts her on the couch.

他们的母亲进了房间。“停下!”她高声说道。 “够了!”她把Janice扶起来,让她坐在沙发上。

7. Then she explains, "Janice, these blocks belong to James. They are his. They are not yours.


8. If he wants to share them with you, he can, but you do not have the right to just go take what is his. Do you understand?"


share them with you:和你分享这些

have the right to do sth.:有权利做什么什么事

9. Janice nods. Her mother continues. "What if I went over to the neighbor's house and just took something that I wanted? That would be wrong. We do not do that. People have the right to their own things."

Janice点点头。她妈妈继续说, “我可以去邻居家里拿走我想要的东西吗?这种做法是错的。我们不这样做。人们对自己的东西是有权利的。”

what if I went over to the neighbor’s house: 虚拟语气

have the right to sth.:对什么东西有权利,或者有权利拥有什么东西

10. "Okay, Mom," Janice says.

"Okay," James tries to say.



try to say:试图说,James只有两岁,可能说话还很困难

11. 动词短语总结

have the right to do sth.: 有权做某事

have the right to sth.: 有权拥有某样东西

like to do: 喜欢做某事

be in charge: 管事

take away: 拿走

start to do: 开始做某事

knock over: 推倒

hit back: 反击

pick up: 拾起

put…on: 把…放在…上

belong to: 属于

try to:试图


worship  /ˈwɜːʃɪp/ n.v. 崇拜,敬仰,礼拜

sister/ˈsɪstə(r)/ n. 姐;妹

everything  /ˈevriθɪŋ/ pron. 每件事;所有事物;一切

adore/əˈdɔː(r)/ v. 热爱,爱慕(某人)

little /ˈlɪtl/ adj.detpron.adv. 小的;比较小的

mostly/ˈməʊstli/ adv. 主要地;一般地;通常

charge /tʃɑːdʒ/ n.v. 主管;掌管;照管;职责;责任

set  /set/  v.n.adj.放;置;使处于

block  /blɒk/  n.v. 大块;立方体

start  /stɑːt/ v.n. 开始,着手,动手(做或使用)

build /bɪld/ v.n. 建筑;建造

tower /ˈtaʊə(r)/ n.v. 塔;建筑物的塔形部分;(尤指教堂或城堡的)塔楼

scream  /skriːm/v.n.(因伤痛、害怕、激动等)尖叫

hit /hɪt/ v.n.(用手或器具)击,打

knock /nɒk/ v.n. 敲;击

stop/stɒp/ v.n.(使)停止,停下

say /seɪ/v.n.exclamation. 说;讲;告诉

high /haɪ/ adj.n.adv. 高的

voice /vɔɪs/ n.v. 嗓音;说话声;歌唱声

enough /ɪˈnʌf/ det.pron.adv. 足够的够用能够用

pick /pɪk/ v.n. 选择;挑选

couch /kaʊtʃ/  n.v. 长沙发;长榻

explain /ɪkˈspleɪn/ v. 解释;说明;阐明

belong /bɪˈlɒŋ/  v. 属于某人;归某人所有

share /ʃeə(r)/ v.n. 分享;共享

right /raɪt/adj.adv.n.v.exclamation. 正当的要求;权利

understand/ˌʌndəˈstænd/v. 懂;理解;领会

nod/nɒd/ v. 点头

continue /kənˈtɪnjuː/v. 继续做;不停地干

neighbor英 /'neɪbə/ 美 /'nebɚ/ n. 邻居

house /haʊs/n.v. 房屋;房子;住宅

own /əʊn/adj.pron.v.(用于强调)自己的,本人的

try/traɪ/ v.n. 试图;想要;设法;努力

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