【6分钟客舱英语】Seats Arrangement

【6分钟客舱英语】Seats Arrangement



Seats Arrangement

Welcome to 6 Minute Cabin English. I am Jerry. Being a flight attendant, it is normal to deal with all kinds of problem on-board. And the problem may come so early at passengers boarding that you could never be well prepared. Mostly is seats problem. Sometimes one could be arranged a wrong seat which is against his will. Sometimes one could be separated from his companions. So you need to find an answer to them. All you need to deal with this problem is in today’s programme. You doubt? Then stay to the end.

As you all know. My problem always comes very early in my programme.

What will the flight attendant do after the talk?

A. Ask the purser

B. Check the passenger list

C. Find the passenger another seat

F:Good morning,sir. Welcome aboard. Your seat number is 34C.It is an aisle seat on your right.

P:That can not be true. I specifically asked for a window seat.

F:I am really sorry about that. Don not worry. I will go to check the passenger manifest and see what I can do.

P:You must find me a window seat. I can not sit by aisle the whole flight.

F:Yes,sir. I will try my best. Would you mind taking this seat for a moment. I will be right back.

P:All right.

Here are some vocabularies quite useful for the daily work.

Companion is the person or an animal that travels with you or spends a lot of time with you

Specifically means in a detailed and exact way

List is  a series of names, items, figures, etc., especially when they are written or printed

Deal with the problem for passengers is the daily life for a flight attendant. It could be hard because everybody has his own cares. As I said “ What’s more important is patience and honesty”. Try to listen to the demand and do your best. For more scene in the cabin, follow me in 6 Minute Cabin English. See you next time. Good bye!

