1-01 第一周 星期一 专题演练 Dictation1

1-01 第一周 星期一 专题演练 Dictation1

  • 听友101842942

    What should a person do or think about when contemplating a midlife career change ?/First,clearly define your priorities./Next ,have a big picture goal for your career and your lifestyle in mind./Knowing that you want to make a change is the first step in the process.

    一树心花 回复 @听友101842942: 后半截:…in the process,/but be sure not to get stuck there. /Take the next step by identifying specifically/what you would like to see in your next career. /Also,know what you are hoping to achieve/is different from what you have already done up to this point.

  • 要么爱要么滚_ai


  • WinnieWhy

    but be sure not to get stuck there. Take the next step by identifying specifically what you would like to see in your next career. Also, know what you are hoping to achieve this time around that is different from what you have already done up to this point

  • 愉快的学习


  • 听友101842942

    But be sure not to get stuck there./Take the next step by identifying specificly what would you like to see in your next career.Also ,know what you are hoping to achieve this time around .That's different from what you have already down up to this point.

    1369032hicd 回复 @听友101842942: 是you would 吧

  • WinnieWhy

    原文 What should a person do or think about when contemplating a midlife career change? First, clearly define your priorities. Next, have a big-picture goal for your career and your lifestyle in mind.Knowing that you want to make a change is the first step in the process,

  • 对得起_sA

    down👉done specificly👉specifically

  • 斐Y井H


  • 藏在云端里的梦

    But being sure not get stuck there. Take the next step by identifying specifically what would you like to see in your next career. Also, know what you are hoping to achieve this time around. That is different from what you have already done up to this point.

    木木丹丹 回复 @藏在云端里的梦: be sure吧

  • Rebecca_1p4
