Little Star 小星星

Little Star 小星星

1.原文: Little Star
Hello, everyone! The title of today's passage is Little Star. Little Star is also the name of a children's song. Why is this song name chosen as the title of today's passage? Then,let me start by talking about the early education audio book my grandma bought me. In the 18th edition of the audio program,the contents of this book were described in detail. It was talked that there's a picture of the piano keyboard on the last page of the book. But the picture keyboard only has seven keys. It can only play 7 notes of 1234567. At the top of the keyboard picture, there is a children's song. But the song can be played with the only seven notes. This song is the Little Star. The present background music is the melody of this song. My grandma often holds my finger to play it. Although I can't read the lyrics yet, its melody is engraved on my mind. Grandma said, when I grow up, she will buy a piano with 88 keys for me. She will teach me to play the accompaniment with my left hand and the melody with my right hand. Imagine,playing on a piano with a wide range of sounds is gonna be super nice!
2.译文: 小星星
大家好,今天短文的标题是“小星星”。 “小星星”是一首儿歌的名字,那为什么要选用这首歌的名字来作为今天短文的标题呢?这就要从我奶奶给我买的那本早教有声书说起。在第十八期的音频节目里,详细描述了这本书的内容,其中讲过在书的最后一页有钢琴键盘图片,不过图片键盘只有七个键,只能弹出1234567这七个音,在键盘图片的上方有一首儿歌,然而这首歌仅仅用这七个音就可以弹奏,这首歌的名字就是“小星星”,现在的背景音乐正是这首歌的旋律。我姥姥经常握着我的手指弹奏这首歌,虽然我还看不懂歌词,但它的旋律已经铭刻在我的脑海里。奶奶说等我长大了,就给我买一架有88个键的钢琴,教我用左手弹伴奏,右手弹旋律。想象一下,用音域宽广的钢琴弹奏歌曲,一定会超级的美妙!
choose 选择,
start by 从…开始
edition 集
audio 音频
program 节目
contents 内容(复数)
describe 描述,
detail 细节
in detail 详细地
keyboard 键盘
key 键,钥匙(keys复数)
note 音符,调(notes复数)
present 现在的
background 背景
melody 旋律
hold 持有,控制(holds第三人称单数)
finger 手指
although 尽管
lyric 歌词,lyrics(复数)
engrave 牢记,
mind 头脑,记忆力
with 具有(介词)
accompaniment 伴奏
range 范围,幅度
gonna 将(等于going to)
super 超级的
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