


Describea lifestyle that you think is good

Youshould say:

whatit is

whenyou started it

howdifficult it is to keep this lifestyle

andexplain why you chose this lifestyle.

I’d like to describe a good lifestyle,which is home exercise. Actually, there is a set of exercises that I do whichare push-ups, sit-ups, plank and handstand.

I usually start working out at around 7 pm after dinner. And the whole process willlast for 30 to 40 minutes.

The workout started two years ago when mywife got concerned with my health and urgedme to do physical exercise at home. At first, she’d remind me of it everyday, but later, I was able to do it without her supervision. And now, homeexercise has become a part of my life.

As for how difficult it is. Well, at thebeginning, it was pretty hard because my body was trying to keep up with thisintensive physical activity. And sometimes, because of work, I was too tired towork out. But over time, it became easier. I guess it was because my musclesgot used to it.

I chose this lifestyle mainly because itis good for my health apparently. Nowadays, people just spend too much timesitting in front of a screen, totally lacking physical movements. This willmake them prone to health problems when they get old. Besides, it istrouble-free. I mean home exercise doesn’t require any special equipment.

  • SKYEnglish
