1281 不盡情發揮,就會一直渺小下去 | 在高雄可以做些什麼

1281 不盡情發揮,就會一直渺小下去 | 在高雄可以做些什麼


為台灣疫情祈福 X 聽Podcast學英語環遊世界,現在用你的IG帳號 Tag (@flywithlily)你在Apple Podcast 五星評價留言,就可以得到一張台灣造型的明信片!


“追随老师7年,老师每天的陪伴成了林子每天的必需品️ 还有老师的声音和故事都�️股无形的力量一直在鼓励和推动我️ 让我想把每一天都过莹润充实的引领人� 爱你�lily �”

Remember if you play small you stay small. 記住如果你不盡情發揮的話,就永遠都很渺小。

他們會回答這個問題:What is there to do in Kaohsiung? 在高雄可以做什麼呢?


There are lots of events, markets and markets range from the traditional food markets to nighttime entertainment markets. There are weekends like Sunday or Saturday afternoon markets. There's all kinds of markets. And with that also comes with lots of options for food. Definitely. So Taiwan is known for food destination. So when you get here, you try everything.



As I mentioned before, you have the mountain, which is nice to visit, um, there's also, uh, a lot of parks and museums. There are some museums to visit. Um, there are, there's a lot of new developments going on, especially in the South of the city. Uh, there's the landmark 85 building, which is, um, you know, the second largest, second tallest building in Taiwan. It's quite interesting to see, um, Qijing Island has has some nice activities. You can even do some surfing there. And one of the best things about Kaohsiung is that it's easy to get from Kaohsiung, to places like Xiaoliuqiu Island, Kenting in the national park, in the South of Taiwan, and also the mountains in the central part of Taiwan. So it's a good base to have to visit more of the South of Taiwan and Tainan, which is very close.


明天的內容是:他們會回答這個問題:What is the best thing in Kaohsiung?高雄最棒的事是什麼?

  • 和Cici去探索

    Hi 我想念台湾 鸭囤 四物汤 我想念台湾夜市 尤其是台大旁边那条巷子