



1. wildly /'waildli/ 激动地, 疯狂地

2. maid /meɪd/ 女仆

3. employ /ɪm'plɒɪ/ 雇佣;采用


1. A moment later the White Queen came running wildly through the wood. 

2. Because she is not a lady's maid.

3. 'I don't want you to employ me,' Alice said, laughing. 'And I don't like jam.'


1. The shawl that Alice caught belonged to _____.
A. the Red Queen
B. the Red King
C. the White Queen 

2. What did the Queen offer Alice so as to take her as a lady maid?
A. Twopence a week.
B. Jam every other day.
C. Both A and B.

3. What was the living style in the White Queen's place?
A. The pace of life was fast.
B. People lived backwards.
C. People led a leisurely life.

4. For Alice, what was the useful thing about living backwards?
A. She could enhance her memory.
B. She could remember things that happened before.
C. She could remember things both ways.

5. Which of the following words was true about the King's Messenger?
A. He would be in prison the week after next.
B. He had done something wrong.
C. He was in prison now.



1. 题目问的是“爱丽丝抓住的披肩是谁的?“,根据原文,爱丽丝抓住了白方王后的披肩(对应原文:She caught the shawl as she spoke, and looked around for the owner. A moment later the White Queen came running wildly through the wood. Alice went to meet her with the shawl.)。故选C。

2. 题目问的是“王后给爱丽丝提供了什么条件以纳她做侍女?”,根据原文,王后说如果爱丽丝做她的侍女,一周两便士,再加上隔天吃果酱(对应原文:'I'd be happy to take you,' the Queen said. 'Twopence a week, and jam every other day.')。故选C。

3. 题目问的是“在白方王后这里,生活方式是什么样的?”,根据原文,王后说她们那里是往后过日子的(对应原文:'That's because we live backwards here,' explained the Queen kindly. 'It's always a little difficult at first.')。故选B。

4. 题目问的是“对于爱丽丝而言,往后过日子的好处是什么?”,根据原文,王后说爱丽丝可以用两种方法记事情了(对应原文:'But there's one very useful thing about it,' the Queen went on, 'you can remember things both ways.')。故选C。

5. 题目问的是“以下关于国王信使的说法,哪一项是正确的?”,根据原文,国王的信使现在坐牢了,但他至今还没有做错什么事,他犯罪的时间要晚得多(对应原文:I can remember things that happened the week after next. For example, the King's Messenger is in prison now, but he hasn't done anything wrong yet. His crime will come much later.')。故选C。

