(Level 2)-Day_71 School Dance

(Level 2)-Day_71 School Dance





1.awkward 尴尬

2.waist 腰

3.bumping 冲撞


School Dance

It is the first school dance that I have ever been to.

All of the boys are standing on one side of the gymnasiumand all of the girls are standing on the other side.

There is loud music playingand I can hardly hear my friends talking.

The music is going fastand some people are starting to move to the beat of the song.

Soon all the girls are dancingbut the boys are still standing against the wall.

Then the song endsand slow music comes on.

I don't know what to doso I just go and stand against the wall.

Then one of the boys in my class comes over and asks me if I would like to dance to the slow song.

I really feel awkward and nervousbut say yes.

We go out into the middle of the gym,and he puts his hands on my waistand I put my hands on his shoulder.

We start to move to the musicand we step on each other's feet.

He is bigger than meso my toe starts to hurt a little bit.

As we continue to slow dance”,more boys and girls come to the middle of the gym to dance together.

It sure is funny to watch people dance because they are stepping on each other's toes and bumping into each other and turning in opposite directions.

Soon the song endsand the boys go to one side of the gym again.

The girls decide that they want to dance to a fast songso they stay in the middle of the gym and dance with one another.

Our teachers are making sure that we are behaving because they are watching us

I wonder if they want to dance.

They probably are remembering their first school dance.

I wonder if someday I'll be grown up just like the teachers and laughing at the memories of my first school danceI sure hope so

  • 月半福福

    Then one of the boys in my class comes over and ask me 为asks,少s he put his hands on my waist 为and he puts his hands on my waist 为少了and和s The girl decide that they want to dance to a fast song 为girls,少s turning in opposite directions

    阿坑是个坑 回复 @月半福福: 已修改

  • 竺籽小酒窝


    阿坑是个坑 回复 @竺籽小酒窝: 可能是当故事叙述了吧,前面等级的比较简单,后面的时态会更复杂

  • 小燕爱花花


  • 听友203212561


  • 听友186772557
