


Todd: Marika lets talk about television.

Marika: OK.

Todd:Do you like to watch a lot of TV?

Marika: Yeah, I watch a lot of TV.

Todd:Now you've been in Japan for awhile. Do yo watch TV in English or in Japanese?

Marika: I watch TV in Japanese, but if it's on in English I will watch it in English. Yeah, I'm the same way.

Todd: How good is your comprehension? How much can you understand?If it's a drama I can understand most of what's happening, and definitely the story, but if a talk show and there's young people on and there're speaking fast, with a lot of slang, I don't really understand a lot of what they're saying, although I might know what topic they're discussing, I won't know what exactly their stand is.

Todd:Do you think that TV is bad for people?

Marika: Yeah, I think that TV is bad for people. It's really bad.


Marika: Because instead of reading a book or doing something outside, or doing something productive you just sit in front of a TV and absorb bad information or things that don't really help, help you learn anything probably, although Japanese television I think does have a lot of good documentaries and a lot of informative television programs.

  • Ariel050203
