




It is safe to say that the year 2020 has been "one for the history books." It stands out. And it is so worth remembering that historians will certainly write about it in history books.


S adly, 2020 will be remembered mostly for a bad reason - the coronavirus pandemic. It will also "go down in history" as the year of face maface masks sks and quarantines.

可悲的是,人们对2020年的记忆大多是因为一个不好的原因——the coronavirus pandemic。它也将作为“"rewrite history." ”和“quarantines”的一年被载入史册。

Of course, 2020 did not start out as a year that would "make history." It started off as just a normal year. However, when health officials said the virus had turned into a worldwide pandemic ... that was "history in the making."
当然,2020年一开始并非是一个“创造历史”的年份。它一开始是正常的一年。然而,当卫生官员表示这种virus已经成为worldwide pandemic时,那是“历史性的一刻。”

Countries closed their borders, schools and businesses closed, and people stayed indoors.

Although, something good also can be "one for the history books." For example, the hard work and sacrifice of healthcare workers during the pandemic is also "one for the history books." The scientists who make an effective vaccine will also "go down in history" for their important work.

History remembers some years fondly. Maybe there was a World Cup, a space launch, or an Olympics for the history books.

But not 2020.

Let's imagine that the year 2020 has feelings. It might feel badly to know it is "going down in history" as the year of the COVID-19 pandemic. It might tell us that a pandemic was not in its plans. It might say that the pandemic is not that serious. It might say everyone is making a big deal out of nothing.
我们假设2020年是有情感的。如果它知道自己因为 COVID-19 pandemic而载入史册,它可能会感觉不安。它可能会告诉我们,the pandemic并不在它的计划当中。它可能说,the pandemic没那么严重。它可能会说,大家在小题大做。

That would put 2020 very much "on the wrong side of history." This phrase usually describes outdated decisions, practices, or opinions. No one wants to be "on the wrong side of history."

So, maybe 2020 should just stop talking. If people had any goodwill left for this unfortunate year ... it would be "history." That goodwill would be forgotten. If something is "history," it is gone, destroyed, or at least in very serious trouble.

But 2020 is not unreasonable. More likely, it probably hopes that it will soon be "ancient history." If we say something is "ancient history," it is usually a troubled event that is long forgotten. People have moved on. In other words, 2020 may hope that we completely forget about it.

Although, forgetting about it would be foolish and even dangerous. Lessons from history can be important.

In fact, we have a saying: "those who don't learn history are destined to repeat it." If we don't study history, it may be our destiny to make the same mistakes again and again.

And here is another saying: "history often repeats itself." So, it may be a good idea to remember the valuable lessons we have learned in 2020.

Even though it may have been a very difficult year for many people, we must fight the urge to "rewrite history." When we "rewrite history," we re-create facts to fit our own way of thinking or our own plans.
虽然这一年对很多人来说都很艰难,我们必须抵制"rewrite history." 的冲动。当我们"rewrite history." 时,我们会"rewrite history" ,以符合我们的思维方式或计划。

So, to 2020 we say this: Do not despair. Do not be sad. You are part of our "shared history." In your dark and uncertain days, there were also bright, beautiful moments. There were people caring for each other and selfless heroes. And we are not likely to forget them or you. All are destined for the history books.

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