张艺谋首部谍战片,致敬铁骨铮铮的无名英雄 | Weekend Movies

张艺谋首部谍战片,致敬铁骨铮铮的无名英雄 | Weekend Movies




Renowned director Zhang Yimou’s first espionage movie, Cliff Walkers, has soared as one of the highest-grossing blockbusters during the May Day holiday.



Set in the Japanese-occupied puppet state of “Manchukuo” in the early 1930s, the story follows four Soviet Union - trained Chinese agents attempting to sneak into Harbin, the capital of Heilongjiang province, to rescue an escapee from a camp where the Japanese are conducting lethal experiments on prisoners.



During his recent interviews with the popular video platforms Bilibili and Douyin, Zhang says he has always been interested to step into new genres, as he believes the Chinese film industry needs to expand the variety of genre movies to match its massive market scale.



Despite spy films being a popular genre in world cinema, China’s silver screens have, in contrast, generally depended on action blockbusters or comedies.



Highlighting the fact that The Message — a 2009 Chinese espionage movie starring Zhou Xun and Li Bingbing — was a box-office success, Zhang says that, since then, few hit spy movies have been produced. As a result he decided to delve into the genre after being contacted to direct Cliff Walkers.



Scriptwriter Quan Yongxian says the story is sort of a loose prequel of his 2012 TV series The Brink, about a couple of heroic underground Communist Party members.



Quan, a native of Jiamusi in Heilongjiang province, says he has a strong personal interest in the wartime history of northeastern China and how people there resisted the Japanese invaders.



As his elder sister worked at a local chronicle archive, Quan managed to read historical records, stumbling upon the thrilling details of a prison break of Zhongma Fortress in 1934. This was a death camp located in Beiyinhe village outside Harbin, where the Japanese army conducted biological warfare research on prisoners. More than 10 Chinese managed to escape from the prison, but most died soon after being recaptured or from hunger and injury.



One of the survivors — who died on the battlefield fighting the Japanese two years later — was the inspiration for the film’s plot. Quan conceived the script as a tribute to mark those lesser-known heroes.



China’s revolutionary titles are mostly produced by Chinese mainland companies, but Cliff Walkers attracted the attention of the Hong Kong studio Emperor Motion Pictures, which is one of its main producers and will handle the movie’s international distribution.



Alex Yeung, vice-chairman of Emperor Motion Pictures and the movie’s co-executive producer, recalls his father Albert Yeung met with director Zhang Yimou for the first time in June 2018.



“They hit it off immediately. They soon agreed to collaborate on a quality film that makes people shout ‘bravo’. In the same year, we further developed this film and production kicked off in 2019,” recalls Alex Yeung.



Datong in Shanxi province doubles as old-time Harbin, with reconstructions of buildings and streets, while snowy scenes were shot in Xuexiang, or Snow Town, in Heilongjiang province.



Admitting that the film has also enriched his knowledge about China’s revolutionary martyrs, Alex Yeung says: “I felt quite overwhelmed when I heard this story for the first time. That generation (the early CPC members) was stoic and dedicated. They are the true nameless heroes who contributed to build a safe and harmonious society and deserve to be remembered.”


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  • ivygrows

    pay tribute to nameless heroes

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