注: 1. 此为老师私人微信,仅供围观学习,每日限额开放 2. 如想进晨读群,关注公〜号,微信链接内有进群方式 搜索【口语粉碎机】 可加入免费学习群,获取每日一对一纠音指导及详细口语解析
1:She studies English apply herself 2:Don't count your chicken,things don't have a successful result. 3:I strive to lost weight and keep count how many calorie be consumed
1.她一门心思学外语。 She applies herself in learning English. 2.你这如意算盘打得太早了,八字还没一撇呢。 Dont count your chickens. 3.我努力减肥呢,每天都会记录摄入了多少卡路里。 I’m losing my weight., and I will keep a count of calories take-in everyday.
She apply herself to learn the foreign language Don’t count your chickens before they hatch I am on a diet, and keep count of how many calories I eat each day
She apply herself to learning english.
1她一门心思学外语。难度:★★ She applies herself to learning English. 2你这如意算盘打得太早了,八字还没一撇。★★★ Don't count your chichens( before they were hatched). 3我努力减肥呢,每天都会记录摄入了多少卡路里。★★★★ I'm struggling to lose weight and I will keep count of my calories intake every day.