12. Fresh Fish(巩固训练)

12. Fresh Fish(巩固训练)


12. Fresh Fish

Mike was ready for bed. It was 11 o'clock. He had to get up early the next day. The next day he was going fishing. Fish wake up early. They look for food early in the day. They look for food late in the day. The best time to fish is early or late in the day. That is when the fish are hungry. Mike set his alarm. He set his alarm for 5 o'clock. The next day he would start fishing at 6 o'clock. He wanted to catch four or five fish. If he caught four or five fish, he could eat fresh fish all week. Fresh fish is the best fish. Mike went to bed.


ready for 预备好
get up early 很早起床,有进取心,<口>警觉
next day 次日;第二天
look for 寻找 ; 探索 ; 渴望 ; 盼望
late in the day 为时已晚 ; 坐失良机
early or late 早晚
in the day 在白天
fresh fish 鲜鱼,新囚犯,青年囚犯

The cat is bored. He tries to have fun. He plays with yarn. He scratches his tummy. He takes a nap. He drinks milk. He is still bored. He sees a mouse. The mouse is eating cheese. The cat steals the cheese. The mouse is angry. The mouse chases the cat. The cat is having fun.


bored 厌倦的 ; 烦闷的 ; 使厌烦 ; 钻,凿,挖 ; 盯着看 ; bore的过去分词和过去式
have fun 玩得开心
yarn 纱 ; 纱线 ; 故事 ; 讲故事
scratches 划痕,划伤 ; 刮的刺耳声 ; 挠痒 ; 搔痒 ; 挠,搔 ; 划破,抓破,划伤,抓伤 ; 擦破,划损,刮坏 ; scratch的第三人称单数和复数
tummy 胃 ; 肚子
nap 小睡,打盹 ; 短绒毛 ; 赛马情报 ; 赛马结果预测 ; 打盹,小睡
sees 看见 ; 见到 ; 看出 ; 看得见 ; 看 ; 有视力 ; 观看 ; see的第三人称单数
steals 偷 ; 窃取 ; 偷偷地移动 ; 偷垒 ; steal的第三人称单数和复数
chases 追赶 ; 追逐 ; 追捕 ; 努力获得 ; 争取得到 ; 追求 

John wants to go to his school field trip. He needs fifty dollars. He wants to earn it himself. He plans to open up a lemonade stand. He goes to the market. The lemons are cheap. They are also ripe. He buys fifty lemons. He starts making lemonade. A lot of people are in line. His lemonade stand is a success. He makes enough money.


go to 去… ; 费工夫;花钱 ; 求助于;求教于
field trip 野外考察,实地考察, 户外教学
fifty 五十个人 ; 五十岁 ; 五十年代 ; 编号为五十的东西五十 ; 五十个
open up 将开封 ; 拆开 ; 开放 ; 开通 ; 出现 ; 产生 ; 取得 ; 打开的门 ; 打开话匣子 ; 敞开心扉
lemonade 柠檬味汽水 ; 柠檬饮料 ; 一杯柠檬饮料
lemons 柠檬 ; 柠檬汁 ; 柠檬饮料 ; 浅黄色 ; 柠檬色 ; lemon的复数
ripe 成熟的 ; 口味浓郁的 ; 醇美可口的 ; 强烈的 ; 难闻的
buys 买 ; 购买 ; 够支付 ; 买通 ; 收买 ; 贿赂 ; buy的第三人称单数
A lot of 许多
in line 成一直线

Tomorrow is the first day of school. Barbara looks at her backpack. It has holes. It is dirty. She needs a new one. Her mom takes her shopping. There are so many backpacks. One backpack has yellow stars. Another one has rainbow stripes. Another one has dogs. Barbara likes this one. She buys it.


first day 星期日
Barbara 芭芭拉(女子教名,源于古希腊;简称Babs;法语变体是Barbe;俄语变体是Varvara)
backpack 背包, 箱形背包 ; 背包旅行
a new one 全新的东西:
There are 有 ; 可数名词的复数形式 ; 许多重要事情要谈
so many 那么多的 ; 很多 ; 和…一样多的 ; 全都是
backpacks 背包, 箱形背包 ; backpack的复数
stripes 条纹 ; 线条 ; 条,杠 ; stripe的第三人称单数和复数
this one 这一个
buys 买 ; 购买 ; 够支付 ; 买通 ; 收买 ; 贿赂 ; buy的第三人

Maria feels pain in her teeth. She tells her mom. Her mom takes her to the dentist. Maria is scared. She enters the waiting room. The secretary calls Maria's name. Maria goes in. Maria sits in a big chair. She waits for the dentist. The dentist arrives. He is careful with Maria's teeth. He gives her a new toothbrush. Maria feels good.


teeth tooth 的复数
dentist 牙科医生 ; 牙科诊所
scared 害怕 ; 恐惧 ; 畏惧 ; 担心 ; 惊吓 ; 使害怕 ; 使恐惧 ; 受惊吓 ; scare的过去分词和过去式
enters 进来 ; 进去 ; 进入 ; 成为…的一员 ; 加入 ; 开始从事 ; 开始参加 ; 开始进入 ; 着手进行 ; enter的第三人称单数
waiting room 等候室 ; 候车室 ; 候诊室
sits 坐 ; 使坐 ; 使就座 ; 处在 ; 坐落在 ; 被放在 ; sit的第三人称单数
waits 等 ; 等待 ; 等候 ; 希望,盼望,期待 ; 准备妥 ; 在手边 ; 可得到 ; 可使用 ; wait的第三人称单数
arrives 到达 ; 抵达 ; 送达 ; 寄到 ; 发生 ; 到来 ; arrive的第三人称单数
toothbrush 牙刷

Mark needs a book. He does not have money. His mom takes him to the library. Mark can borrow books for free. Mark enters the library. There are so many books. There are books about animals. There are books about pirates. There are books about science. Mark borrows them all.


does not 不 ; 不是 ; 否定就用
library 图书馆 ; 藏书楼 ; 图书室 ; 资料室 ; 个人收藏
borrow 借 ; 借用 ; 借入 ; 借贷 ; 引用,借用
for free 不管怎样 ; 义务地;无偿地;免费地
enters 进来 ; 进去 ; 进入 ; 成为…的一员 ; 加入 ; 开始从事 ; 开始参加 ; 开始进入 ; 着手进行 ; enter的第三人称单数
There are 有 ; 可数名词的复数形式 ; 许多重要事情要谈
so many 那么多的 ; 很多 ; 和…一样多的 ; 全都是
animals 兽 ; 牲畜 ; 动物 ; animal的复数
pirates 海盗 ; 盗版者 ; 盗印者 ; 非法播音者 ; 盗印 ; 窃用 ; pirate的第三人称单数和复数
borrows 借 ; 借用 ; 借入 ; 借贷 ; 引用,借用

  • 史莱克七i怪


  • 1585215ruup

    听友207352699 回复 @1585215ruup: 收到请回复,谢谢!

  • 听友304717272

    Q那 φ抓了你说我是说真的假的吗啡氟利昂啊啊啊哈!

  • 听友31639953


  • 1585215ruup

  • 1585215ruup

  • 慕竹听风处




  • 猴小麦


  • gfdhfxhxtdrf

    游荡的多宝鱼 回复 @gfdhfxhxtdrf: 我是tnt