茱莉叶特·史蒂文森 | 我的人生转折点

茱莉叶特·史蒂文森 | 我的人生转折点


I left Drama School and I was out of work and I had no money, no job, no prospects and not much self-belief when an amazing guy called David Johnston, who ran a Theatre company called Theatre Centre which took shows into schools, gave me my first job.


He took a punt on me and I found myself in a van driving around the country with three others doing ten shows a week, two schools a day, lugging the equipment up and down and driving the van and doing it all ourselves.


I suppose it wasn’t that glamorous but I absolutely loved it, I was getting paid and best of all. I felt that somebody had opened a door and stretched out a hand and said welcome to the profession.  


It made me really respect and love the kind of work that goes on in schools, bringing shows to kids who otherwise might never see live theatre.


So with great thanks to David Johnston and Theatre Centre and for all of you who are having, or have had a really tough year in this pandemic, if you are struggling don’t hesitate to go to theatreartists. fund which has been set up especially to help people like you.


If you can afford to donate to the fund then please do so. Thanks very much.


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