

  • 1352831hzbv

    *that's for sure; *external conditions *internal psychology; *occur to *tend to *in terms of *spiritual beliefs *egoistic *critical *judgemental *aside from that *attribute..to *despise *repelling *stay level headed

    彭百万雅思口语 回复 @1352831hzbv: 非常有心了

  • 土豆炖番茄炒鸡蛋

    Well, I think it is for sure. When your external condition change, your internal psychology is going to change as well.

  • JasonandChris

    Very good argument! But it seems not logical to me that rich people tend to attribute other's success to their internal characters instead of the external ones and thus may despise people who are unsuccessful. How does this make sense? I'm quite confused.

    1352831hzbv 回复 @JasonandChris: yes, valid point. I'm feeling the same way too. That' what we always say we tend to judge a book by its cover, correct? Anyway, people's mind differ; It's reasonable to be confused or critical.