(Level 2)-Day_24 What I Like Most and Least About Myself

(Level 2)-Day_24 What I Like Most and Least About Myself





1.trait 特质


What I Like Most and Least About Myself 

I was trying to think up the best and worst things about myself.

I think the best thing about me is that I am very friendly.

I have a lot of friendsand they all like me.

I try to be good to my friends.

I don't often have arguments with people.

I think that I am quite easy to get along with.

The worst thing about me is that I sometimes feel sad.

Sometimes I don't feel sad for any particular reason.

I just get into moods where I am depressed.

Sometimes there is a reason to be sad.

I was sad when my pet frog died.

I was sad when I lost my favorite baseball card.

On those daysI'll still nice to my friendsbut inside I feel like there is a heavy weight in my chest.

I think that everyone feels sadness sometimes.

I try to do things that make me happy whenever I get into one of my sad moods.

Last SaturdayI felt a bit sad so I called up my friend John and asked if he wanted to go to the movies.

We went to a comedy.

We laughed all the way through the movieso that by the time the movie was overI didn't feel sad anymore.

My friendliness is my best traitand my sad moods are my worst traits.

I have to work at getting over my sad moods more quickly.

Being sad doesn't do anyone any good.

There is no use in feeling sorry for oneself.

  • 小燕爱花花


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