


5371. awesome:/ˈɔː.səm/ adj.令人敬畏的;令人惊叹的;令人惊惧的【the awesome sweep of the scenery或者 awesome scenery 令人惊叹的景色 // An awesome challenge lies ahead of them. 摆在他们面前的是一项令人望而生畏的巨大挑战。】;很好的;了不起的 = extremely good【You look totally awesome in that dress. 你穿那件礼服真是漂亮极了。// Their last concert was really awesome. 他们上次的演唱会真的很棒。】

5372. bonus:/ˈbəʊnəs/ n.奖金;红利;津贴【Long-term savers qualify for a cash bonus.长期储户有资格获得现金红利。// Further additions to your pay may take the form of bonus payments.可能会以奖金的形式增加你的工资 】;另外的优点;额外的好处【I love the job, and it's an added bonus that it's so close to home. 我喜欢这份工作,它还有个优点是离家很近。】

5373. civilian:/sɪˈvɪljən/ n.平民;老百姓【Many innocent civilians were killed during the war.许多无辜的平民在战争中丧生。】;adj.平民的;民用的【It was difficult to return to civilian life after ten years in the military.从军十年后很难恢复平民生活。】

5374. distract:/dɪˈstrækt/ v.使分心,使转移注意力,干扰【Try not to distract the other students.尽量不要分散其他学生的注意力。// Coverage of the war was used to distract attention from other matters.报道战争被用来分散人们对其他事情的注意力。】

5375. distraction:/dɪˈstrækʃən/ n.心烦意乱,苦恼无聊【His lessons bore me to distraction. 听他讲课我打不起精神来。// That dreadful noise is driving me to distraction. 那种讨厌的噪音快把我烦死了。】;分心的事;分散注意力的东西【I can turn the television off if you find it a distraction. 如果你觉得电视让你思想无法集中,我可以关掉。】;娱乐,消遣【one of the distractions of city life 城市生活的一项消遣活动】

5376. pregnancy:/ˈpreɡnənsi/ n.怀孕【This drug should not be taken during pregnancy.这种药在怀孕期间不能服用。// Most women feel sick in the mornings during their first months of pregnancy. 大多数女性在怀孕早期都会在早上感到恶心。】

5377. pregnant:/ˈpreɡ.nənt/ adj.怀孕的,妊娠的【medical care for pregnant women孕妇的医疗保健 // She's five and a half months pregnant. 她怀孕有5个半月了。// My sister is pregnant with twins. 我姐姐怀了双胞胎。】;意味深长的,意义重大的【There was a long, pregnant silence. 当时出现了长时间耐人寻味的沉默。】

5378. migrant:/ˈmaɪɡrənt/ n.移民【The cities are full of migrants looking forwork. 城市里到处是寻找工作的移民。】;迁徙动物【These birds are winter migrants from Scandinavia. 这些鸟是从斯堪的纳维亚迁徙过来的越冬候鸟。】;adj.迁移的【migrant workers 外来务工人员】;迁徙的【migrant birds 侯鸟】

5379.homeless:/ˈhəʊmləs/ adj. 无家可归的【Accommodation needs to be found for thousands of homeless families. 数以千计无家可归的家庭需要住所。// Thousands of people have been made homeless. 成千上万的人无家可归。】;n. the homeless 无家可归者

5380.expansive:/ɪkˈspænsɪv/ adj.友善健谈的;豪爽的;开朗的【Hauser was in an expansive mood.Hauser 心情很好。// He was in an expansive moodon the night of the party. 聚会那天晚上,他情绪很好,豪爽健谈。】;广阔的,辽阔的;浩瀚的【expansive beaches广阔的海滩 // There was an expansive view from the window. 从窗口望去,辽阔的景色一览无余。】;广泛的;全面的【an expansive definition 广泛的意义 或 广泛的定义 // The piece is written in his usual expansive style. 这篇文章是以他惯常的洋洋洒洒的风格写成的。】

5381. bid:/bɪd/ v.(尤指在拍卖中)出价,喊价竞买【She knew she couldn't afford it, so she didn't bid. 她知道买不起,所以没有出价。】;投标,竞标【The department is trying to ensure fairer competition among firms bidding for city contracts. 该部门正努力确保竞标政府合同的公司之间的竞争更为公平。】;争取;竞争【Paris is bidding to host the next Olympics. 巴黎正在争取主办下一届奥运会。】;(纸牌游戏中)叫牌【Before you decide how to bid, you need to evaluate how strong the hand of cards you are holding is. 在叫牌前,你需要估计一下手里这套牌的好坏。// She bid three diamonds. 她叫了方块3。】;打招呼,致意;请求【I must now bid you farewell (=say goodbye to you). 我现在必须向您道别了。】;n.出价,喊价【They put in a bid for the house.他们出价买下这所房子。// the person who places the highest bid出价最高的人// A takeover bid for the airline was launched today.对这家航空公司的收购报价今天开始了。】;投标,竞价【I gave the job to the contractors who made the lowest bid (= whooffered to do the work for the lowest amount of money). 我将这项工程给了投标出价最低的承包商。】;企图得到;努力争取【Her bid for re-election was unsuccessful. 她争取连任的努力没有成功。】;(纸牌游戏中)叫牌

5382.presidency:/ˈprezɪdənsi/ n.总统职务(或任期)【There were few real improvements during his presidency. 在他担任总统期间,没有什么真正的进步。// He has announced that he is running for the presidency. 他已宣布参加总统竞选。// She won the presidency by a wide margin. 她以高额票数当选总统。】

5383.presidential:/ˌprezɪˈdenʃl/ adj.总统的;与总统有关的【a presidential election总统选举 // the party’s presidential candidate该党的总统候选人】

5384.misfortune:/ˌmɪsˈfɔːtʃuːn/ n.不幸;厄运;不幸事故;灾难【The French soldiers had them is fortune to be caught in the crossfire.法国士兵不幸遭遇了交火。// She suffered a good deal of misfortune over the years. 多年来她遭受了巨大的不幸。// It's unfair to take advantage of other people's misfortunes. 乘人之危是不当的。】

5385. asset:/ˈæset/ n.优点,长处;有用的人【He'll be a great asset to the team. 他将会成为球队的得力干将。// Her eyes are her best asset (= most attractivefeature). 她的眼睛是她最迷人的地方。// Knowledge of languages is a real asset in this sort of work. 做这项工作,通晓数种语言确实是一种优势。】;资产;财产【the value of a company’s assets公司资产的价值 // A company's assets can consist of cash, investments, specialist knowledge, or copyright material. 一个公司的资产可包括现金、投资、专业技术或版权物。】

5386. problematic:/ˌprɒbləˈmætɪk/ = problematical adj.成问题的;疑难的【The reforms could turn out to be highly problematic.改革的结果可能是问题重重。//Getting everyone there on time might prove problematic. 让每个人都准时到达可能会很难。】

 5387. distinction:/dɪˈstɪŋkʃən/ n.区别,差别,不同【There's a clear distinction between the dialects spoken in the two regions. 这两个地区的方言有着明显的不同。 // This company makes no distinction between the sexes. 这家公司男女平等。】;优秀,卓越【a writer of distinction 一流的作家,优秀作家】;特质,特性【She had the distinction of being the first woman to fly the Atlantic. 她不同凡响,是第一个飞越大西洋的女子。】;区分;分清;辨别【The new law makes no distinction between adults and children (= treats them equally) . 这项新法律对成人和孩子同等对待。// All groups are entitled to this money without distinction . 所有团体一律有权得到这笔款项。】

5388. distinctive:/dɪˈstɪŋktɪv/ adj.与众不同的,独特的,特别的【a rock band with a distinctive sound有独特声音的摇滚乐队 // She's got a very distinctive voice. 她的嗓音很独特。】

5389. distinguishable:/dɪˈstɪŋɡwɪʃəbəl/ adj.可以区别开的;可以辨明的;可辨认的;可辨识的【He put his ear to the floor and heard angry shouts, but no words were distinguishable. 他把耳朵贴在地板上,听到了怒吼,但是听不清所说的内容。 // The male bird is easily distinguishable from the female. 这种鸟很容易辨认雌雄。】

 5390.registrar:/ˌredʒɪˈstrɑːr/ n.(尤指出生、死亡和婚姻登记的)登记员,户籍管理员;(大学的)教务长,教务主任,注册主任;(英国医院的)专科住院医生【If you require further information, you should consult the registrar 如果需要进一步了解信息,请咨询教务主任。】

5391.translator:/trænzˈleɪtər/ n.(尤指从事笔译的)译者,翻译家【She works as a translator of medical texts. 她的工作是医学翻译。】

5392.withdrawal:/wɪðˈdrɔːəl/ n.提款,取钱【The bank became suspicious after several large withdrawals were made from his account in a single week. 他的账户仅在一周之内就有数笔大额提现,这让银行产生了怀疑。】;撤军【large-scale troop withdrawals 大规模撤军】;收回;退出【Doctors demanded the withdrawal of the drug (from the market) after several cases of dangerous side-effects were reported. 报道出现几起严重副作用的病例之后,医生们要求(从市场上)收回这种药物。// Her sudden withdrawal from thechampionship caused a lot of press speculation about her health. 她突然退出锦标赛引发了媒体关于她健康状况的各种猜测。】;沉默寡言;孤僻【Withdrawal is a classic symptom of depression. 沉默寡言是抑郁症的一种典型症状。】

5393.shrug:/ʃrʌɡ/ v.(表示不知道或不感兴趣)耸(肩)【He shrugged his shoulders as if to say that there was nothing he could do about it. 他耸了耸肩,好像在说他对此无能为力。// Thousands of people are starving to death while the world shrugs its shoulders (= shows no interest orcare). 成千上万的人濒于饿死,世人却无动于衷。】;n.耸肩【"I'm afraid there's nothing I can do about your problem," she said with a shrug. “恐怕我对你的问题无能为力,”她耸了耸肩说道。// "Well, I guess we'll just have to do what he says," said Kim with a shrug of resignation. “哦,我想我们只能按他说的去做,”Kim说着,无可奈何地耸了耸肩。】

5394.tasty:/ˈteɪsti/ adj.美味的,可口的【This soup is very tasty. 这汤味道好极了。】;有魅力的,迷人的

5395.soldier:/ˈsoʊldʒər/ n.士兵,军人,战士【an enemy soldier敌兵// A British soldier was wounded in the fighting.一名英国士兵在战斗中受伤。】

5396.forgiving:/fərˈɡɪvɪŋ/ adj.宽容的,宽宏大量的【She's very forgiving. 她非常宽宏大量。// My father was a kind and forgiving man.我的父亲是一个善良和宽容的人。】

5397.meantime:/ˈmiːntaɪm/ in themeantime 在此期间;(与此)同时【The doctor will be here soon. In the meantime, try and relax. 医生很快就会来。同时,试着放松一下。// I didn’t see her for another five years,and in the meantime she had got married and had a couple of kids. 我又有五年没见到她了,在此期间她结婚了,生了几个孩子。】;for the meantime 眼下;暂时【I'm changing my email address but for the meantime you can use the old one. 我要更换电邮地址,不过那个旧的暂时也还可以用。】

5398.workout:/ˈwɝː.kaʊt/ n.(身体)锻炼,训练【a daily workout in the gym 健身房的日常锻炼】;workout是锻炼、健身的意思,比如去健身 -- go for a workout;另外,mental workout -- 心智锻炼;

有研究表明,下棋、作猜字游戏等心智锻炼能够延缓脑子的老化, "Mental workouts may slow decline of aging mind." 研究人员说,定期进行mental workout的人,他们的记忆力和分析反应能力比不锻炼的人要强得多。

5399.spatial:/ˈspeɪʃl/ adj.空间的【This task is designed to test children's spatial awareness (= their understanding of where things are in relation to other things). 这一任务是为测试孩子的空间意识而设计的。】

5400.brand-new:/ˌbrænd ˈnjuː/ adj.全新的,崭新的【a brand-new car 一辆崭新的汽车 // His clothes looked brand-new. 他的衣服看起来是崭新的。】


  • 好先生12366


  • 65x05ztvbtrucn1d6ie2

    expensive 不是昂贵的吗

    峻卿先生 回复 @65x05ztvbtrucn1d6ie2: 是呀,可是这里是 expansive 噢

  • 夜雨未落_rl


    峻卿先生 回复 @夜雨未落_rl: 一时不知是敌是友

  • 听友501771177


  • 听友340520390


    峻卿先生 回复 @听友340520390: 都有字幕的呀,是不是系统BUG

  • 听友406820428


  • 一二三585858


    峻卿先生 回复 @一二三585858: 最近公司遇到一些事要处理,比较没时间,得处理完了才有空弄这个了,我尽快!

  • 黎鸳愿


  • 听友323339020


  • 烟雨行舟瑶台
