


5341. applicant:/ˈæplɪkənt/ n.申请人(尤指求职、进高等学校等的申请人)【He was one of 30 applicants for the manager’s job. 他是申请经理职位的30人之一。// How many applicants did you have for the job? 申请这个工作的有多少人?】

5342. disgusting:/dɪsˈɡʌstɪŋ/ adj.令人厌恶的,让人憎恶的,使人反感的【Rubbish was piled everywhere – it was disgusting. 垃圾堆得到处都是,真恶心。// Smoking is a really disgusting habit. 吸烟真是个令人厌恶的习惯。// That’s a disgusting thing to say. 说这话真恶心。】

5343. beautify:/ˈbjuːtɪfaɪ/ v.给…做美容;美化;修饰,装饰【Money has been raised to beautify the area. 已经筹集到资金来改善这个地区。// She went upstairs to beautify herself. 她上楼去打扮一下自己。】

5344. characterize:/ˈkærəktəraɪz/(英式拼写为characterise)v.是…的特征;为…所特有【Bright colours characterize his paintings. 色彩鲜艳是他绘画作品的特征。】;归纳…的特征;描述…的特性【In her essay, she characterizes the whole era as a period of radical change. 她在文章中将整个时代的特征归纳为一个急剧变化的时期。】

5345. deed:/diːd/ n.(尤指很坏或很好的)事情,行为【a brave deed 勇敢的行为 // a charitable deed 或 a good deed 善举 // an evil deed 恶行 // His heroic deeds were celebrated in every corner of India. 他的英勇事迹在印度各地广为传颂。】;(土地或建筑的)契约,所有权证书【a mortgage deed 抵押契约】

5346. arguable:/ˈɑːrɡjuəbəl/ adj.有疑问的;无把握的;可疑的;有商榷余地的;可争辩的,有争议的【Whether or not Webb is the best person for the job is arguable. Webb是否是这项工作的最佳人选是有争议的。// It is arguable which way is quicker. 走哪条路更快,还没有定论。// It is arguable whether the case should have ever gone to trial (= perhaps it should not have) . 这个案件原本是否应该审判还是个问题。】;it is arguable that...有理由说…;可论证的;有论据的【It is arguable that the government has failed in this respect. 有理由说政府在这个方面失职了。// It is arguable that giving too much detail may actually be confusing. 过分详细反而使人糊涂的说法是有道理的。】

5347. disrupt:/dɪsˈrʌpt/ v.打断,中断,扰乱【Heavy snow disrupted travel into the city this morning. 今晨的大雪扰乱了入城交通系统的正常运行。// The meeting was disrupted by a group of protesters who shouted and threw fruit at the speaker. 一群抗议者一边呼喊一边向发言者投掷水果,让会议无法正常进行下去。】

5348. disruption:/dɪsˈrʌpʃən/ n.中断;扰乱;混乱【The strike caused widespread disruption. 罢工造成了广泛的混乱。// There will be some disruption to traffic while the work is in progress. 在工程进行期间,交通会受到一些干扰。】

5349. disruptive:/dɪsˈrʌptɪv/ adj.捣乱的,引起混乱的【Night work can be very disruptive to home life. 夜班对家庭生活有很大的破坏性。// Mike’s parents thought I was a disruptive influence (=a person who causes disruption). Mike的父母认为我是个捣乱分子。// ways to handle disruptive pupils 对付捣乱学生的方法】

5350. architect:/ˈɑːrkɪtekt/ n.建筑师;设计师;创造者;缔造者【The architect is drawing up plans for the new offices. 建筑师正在绘制新办公楼的设计图。// Jones was the architect of the team's first goal. Jones是球队入第一球的发动者。】

5351. attic:/ˈætɪk/ n.阁楼;顶楼【a small attic room 小阁楼 // an attic bedroom at the top of the house 房子顶部的一间阁楼卧室】

5352. disintegrate:/dɪˈsɪntɪɡreɪt/ v.分解,分化,分裂【The plane just disintegrated in mid-air. 飞机在半空中解体了。// a society disintegrating under economic pressures 在经济压力下解体的社会】;恶化;崩溃【The situation disintegrated into chaos. 局势恶化后陷入混乱状态。】<相关记忆 No.4623 integrate>

5353. disintegration:/dɪsˌɪntɪˈɡreɪʃən/ n.瓦解,崩溃;分解【These terrorists are trying to bring about a disintegration of the state. 这些恐怖分子企图使国家解体。// the disintegration of the country's two largest political parties 该国两个最大政党的分崩离析 // the disintegration of an ordinary marriage 一桩普通婚姻的解体 // the catastrophic disintegration of the aircraft after the explosion 爆炸后飞机灾难性的解体 < catastrophic /kætəˈstrɒfɪk/  adj.灾难性的,引起灾害的>】

5354. anew:/əˈnjuː/ adv.(尤指用不同的方式)重新,再【The committee is going to examine the whole situation anew. 委员会将重新审查整个情况。// The film tells anew the story of his rise to fame and power. 这部电影重现了他成名掌权的发迹史。】

5355. consistency:/kənˈsɪstənsi/ (=consistence /kənˈsɪstəns/)n.(尤指黏稠液体的)黏稠度,黏稠性【She loved the creamy consistency of fresh paint. 她喜欢新鲜油漆乳脂状的黏性。// Melt the chocolate to a pouring (= easy to pour) consistency. 把巧克力熔化成流体状。】;连贯性;一致性【They've won a few games this season but they lack consistency. 这个赛季他们赢过几场比赛,可是表现不稳定。// It's important to show some consistency in your work. 在工作中表现出连贯性很重要。】

5356. drunkard:/ˈdrʌŋ.kəd/ n.酒鬼,醉鬼【Her husband turned out to be a drunkard. 她的丈夫原来是个酒鬼。】

5357. belly:/ˈbeli/ n.腹部,胃【He fell asleep with a full belly and a happy heart. 他吃饱喝足后心满意足地睡着了。// By the sixth month of pregnancy, Gina's belly had begun to swell. Gina已有6个月身孕,肚子开始鼓起来了。】;(物体的)鼓起部分【the belly of a plane 飞机的腹部,飞机底部】

5358. productivity:/ˌproʊdəkˈtɪvət̬i/ n. 生产率【ways of increasing productivity 提高生产力的途径 // high productivity levels in manufacturing 制造业的高生产率水平】

5359. representation:/ˌreprɪzenˈteɪʃən/ n.作为…的代表(或代理人);作为…的代言人【Can he afford legal representation? 他请得起律师吗?// There has been a decline in union representation in the auto industry. 汽车行业工会代表人数有所下降。】;表现;展现;描绘;描述【He gave a talk on the representation of women in 19th-century art. 他作了一个演讲,是关于19世纪艺术中女性形象塑造的。// the negative representation of single mothers in the media 媒体对单身母亲的负面描述】;表示;象征;代表【The snake swallowing its tail is a representation of infinity. 蛇含其尾表示无穷无尽。】

5360. appealing:/əˈpiːlɪŋ/ adj.有吸引力的;有感染力的;令人感兴趣的【The city offers an appealing combination of sporting and cultural events. 这座城市将体育和文化活动相结合,极具吸引力。// It creates an atmosphere which visitors find so appealing. 它创造了一种游客觉得很有吸引力的氛围。】;(表情或语气)恳求的;可怜的【a little dog with appealing big brown eyes 眨巴着一双可怜巴巴的褐色大眼睛的小狗】

5361. dismissal:/dɪsˈmɪsl/ n.解聘,解雇,开除;撤职【No dismissals have been announced yet. 目前尚未宣布解雇。// Wilson was claiming compensation for unfair dismissal. Wilson对不公平解雇提出赔偿。】

5362. author:/ˈɔːθər/ n.作者,作家;著者【He was the author of two books on China. 他写了两本关于中国的书。 // It’s clear that the author is a woman. 很明显,作者是个女人。】;发起者,创始人【She's the author of the company's recent success. 是她给公司带来了最近的成功 // She's the author of all our troubles. 我们所有的麻烦都是她造成的。】;v.撰写,写作;编写【He has authored more than 30 books. 他已经写了30多本书。】;发起,始创;创造【The deal is being authored by a Greek diplomat. 一位希腊外交官正在牵头促成这项协议。】

5363. sparingly:/ˈspeərɪŋli/ adv.很少;细嚼慢咽地;节俭地【Use the spices sparingly. 香料要尽可能少用。】

5364. subtraction:/səbˈtrækʃən/ n.减法;扣除【The test involves simple calculations, such as addition and subtraction. 测验包括一些简单的运算,例如加法和减法。】

5365. greenhouse:/ˈɡriːn.haʊs/ n.温室,暖房【Gladys grows a lot of tomatoes in her greenhouse. Gladys在她的温室里种了好多西红柿。// The greenhouse effect is well and truly with us. 我们完全处于温室效应中。】

5366. misery:/ˈmɪzəri/ n.痛苦,悲惨【Ten years of marriage to him have made her life a misery. 和他的10年婚姻使她的生活非常痛苦。// Fame brought her nothing but misery. 名声只给她带来了痛苦。】;穷困;悲惨的生活【The vast majority of the population lives in utter misery. 这里的人绝大多数生活在极度贫困之中。】;不幸的事;痛苦的事【the misery of unemployment 失业的痛苦】;老发牢骚的人;不痛快的人【Don't be such a misery! 别老这么牢骚满腹了!】

5367. honorary:/ˈɒnərəri/,/ˈɒnərəri/ , /ˈɑːnəreri/ adj.(尤指学位)荣誉的,名誉的【Brown received an honorary doctorate from Seoul University. Brown获得首尔大学荣誉博士学位。】;名誉职位【Charities often have a well-known person as their honorary treasurer. 慈善机构常常请一位名人担任他们的名誉司库。】

5368. forceful:/ˈfɔːs.fəl/ adj.强有力的;有说服力的【a forceful speaker 说话有说服力的人 // She has a very forceful personality which will serve her well in politics. 她的个性十分坚强,这对她从政非常有利。】;强迫的;使用武力的【the forceful suppression of minorities 对少数族群的武力镇压】

5369. metro:/ˈmetroʊ/ n.地铁(尤指法国的),美式常用subway,英式常用underground 【a metro station 地铁站 // the Paris Metro 巴黎地铁 // It’ll be quicker to go on the metro. 坐地铁会更快。】

5370. transit:/ˈtræn.zɪt/ n.运输;输送;搬运;载运【transit by air or sea 空运或海运 // a rapid-transit train 快运列车 // It is possible to make an insurance claim for any goods lost or damaged in transit. 为在运输中丢失或受损的货物索要保险赔偿是有可能的。】;通过;经过;通行;过境;中转【a transit visa 过境签证】;交通运输系统【the city's public transit system 城市的公共交通运输系统】

  • 15010396oti


    峻卿先生 回复 @15010396oti: 有字幕哦,仔细找找。

  • servent


    峻卿先生 回复 @servent: 3年前吗?可是我才做了2年多......