




Questions 19 to 21 are based on the passage you have just heard.

19.A) It gives birth to several babies at a time.

B) It is the least protected mammal species.

C)Its breeding grounds are now better preserved.

D)Its population is now showing signs of increase.

20.A) Global warming.

B) Polluted seawaters.

C)Commercial hunting.

D)Decreasing birthrates.

21.A) To mate.

B) To look for food.

C)To escape hunters.

D)To seek breeding grounds.




  An endangered species of whale [19] is experiencing a small baby boom of the coast America. The north Atlantic white whale is one of the rarest species on the planet, numbering only about 411. But the center of coast studies said Friday that this area’s survey team spotted a mom with two babies inCape Cod bay a day earlier. That brings the number seen in nearly waters alone this year to 3. That’s big news because the whale population has been falling and no baby whales were seen last year. In all, seven baby whales have been spotted so far this year. [20] The whale population has become endangered due to commercial whaling activities in recent years. This is because they are sometimes hunted for their meat or their skin. Over-hunting could lead to the disappearance of the whale population, possibly causing major problems to the global food chain. [21]The whales give birth off the southeast coast of American in the winter and travel to feeding grounds off the northeast coast in the early spring. Northeast coast is a critically important source of food. The animas often feed close to shore. This provides watches on land with unbeatable views of one of the rarest of marine mammals. It is illegal to get within 1500 feet to the animals without federal research permit, so well watchers are discouraged from the tempting to get to the whales.

  Q19. What do we learn from the passage about the North Atlantic white whale?

  Q20. What has caused the decline of the whale population in recent years?

  Q21. What do the whales travel to the northeast coast of America?


19、D)【精析】细节推断题。 短文开头说,在美国沿海地区, 一种濒危的鲸鱼正在经历一场小婴儿潮. 短文后面具体说明了这一鲸鱼的种类是北大西洋露脊鲸(North Atlantic right whale),这说明北大西洋露脊鲸的数量有增长的迹象.

20、C)细节辨认题. 短文中提到,鲸鱼数量濒危是因为近年来的商业捕杀活动,过度捕猎可能导致鲸鱼数量的减少.

21、B)目的原因题. 短文中说,鲸鱼冬天在美国东南海岸生育幼崽,然后在早春时到美国东北海岸觅食. 因此,它们早春时到美国东北海岸是为了觅食.

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    听友222609487 回复 @我要天天开心呢: 是的,不对应呀

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  • BELLEVUE_贝尔微

    The animals often feed close to shore. This provides watchers on land with "unbeatable views of one of the rarest of marine mammals." It's illegal to get within 1,500 feet of the animals without a federal research permit, so whale watchers are discouraged from attempting to get close to the whales.

  • BELLEVUE_贝尔微

    Over-hunting could lead to the disappearance of the whale population, possibly causing major problems to the global food chain. The whales give birth off the southeast coast of America in the winter and travel to feeding grounds off the northeast coast in the early spring. The Northeast coast is a c

  • BELLEVUE_贝尔微

    听写:This is because they sometimes hunted for their meat or their skin. Overhunting could lead to the disappearance of the whale’s populations .

  • 橘子2025
