




Questions 12 to 15 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

12. A) At a travel agency.

B) At an Australian airport.

C)At an airline transfer service.

D)At a local transportation authority.

13. A) She would be able to visit more scenic spots.

B)She wanted to save as much money as possible.

C)She would like to have everything taken care of.

D)She wanted to spend more time with her family.

14. A) Four days.

B) Five days.

C) One week.

D) Two weeks.

15. A) Choosing some activities herself.

B) Spending Christmas with Australians.

C)Driving along the Great Ocean Road.

D)Learning more about wine making.




  M:Good afternoon, Sorry I have kept you waiting, How can I help you?

  W: Oh,No problem. I am interested in booking a holiday to Australia. I wondered if you could tell me what deals do you have?

  M: Sure,are you only looking for flights or package holiday with everything included?

  W: When you say everything, What do you mean?

  M:Well,a package holiday will include flights,hotels,meals,day trips to different places and the transport to and from the airport.

  W: Yes,that sounds pretty good, I am going with my family.so it will be nice to have everything taken care of. So, what is the rate of deal do you have for package holidays then?

  M:How long will you go for and what days ?

  W:Two weeks,around Christmas will be great.

  M: Ok, let me check that for you. Here is one, fourteen nights in southern and eastern of Australia,five nights in Sydney and five nights Austria and five days in Melbourne,and for the rest of four nights you can choose from the list of trips other places nearby you could visit Canberra , for example, or the blue mountains or you could go for a drive down to the great ocean road. Also, if you are interested in wine you could go on a tour of the places where they grow grapes and made wine

  W: That sounds great. That is great we can choose some activities ourselves.

  Q12. Where does the conversation take place?

  Q13. Why is the woman interested in package holidays?

  Q14. How long does the woman want to go for the holiday?

  Q15. What does the woman say she likes about the holiday package?


12、A)细节推断题. 对话开始女士说,她想要预订去澳大利亚旅行的度假服务,想知道 男士这里有哪些合适的项目。 由此推断,女士是前来咨询的顾客而男士负责提供旅行服务,故对话最有可能发生在旅行社.




  • 听友328209531

    怎么这么简单 真的跟考四级的原题一模一样吗

  • 听友410609403

    M:下午好,对不起,我一直等着你,我能帮你什么? W: 哦,没问题我有兴趣预订去澳大利亚的假期。我想知道你能不能告诉我你有什么交易? M:当然,你只是在寻找航班还是套餐假期,包括一切? W: 当你说什么的时候,你是什么意思? M:好吧,度假套餐将包括航班,酒店,餐饮,到不同地方的一日游以及往返机场的交通。 W: 是的,这听起来很不错,我带着我的 family.so 一切都得到照顾会很好。那么,那么,套餐假期的交易率是多少? M:你会去多久,哪几天? W:两个星期,圣诞节前后会很棒。 男:好的,让我帮你检查一下。这是澳大利亚南部和东部的一个,十四个晚上,悉尼的五个晚上,奥地利的五

    听友410609403 回复 @听友410609403: 男:好的,让我帮你检查一下。这是澳大利亚南部和东部的一个,十四个晚上,悉尼的五个晚上,奥地利的五个晚上,墨尔本的五个晚上,在剩下的四个晚上,你可以从附近的其他地方的旅行列表中选择,例如,你可以去堪培拉,或者蓝山,或者你可以开车到大洋路。此外,如果您对葡萄酒感兴趣,您可以参观他们种植葡萄和酿造葡萄酒的地方 W: 这听起来很棒。这很好,我们可以自己选择一些活动。

  • 普鲁士蓝呀
  • 听友275968235


  • I人频道


    hanmeimei丫 回复 @I人频道: 刚刚给文稿里加了个图片,图片应该是完全相符的

  • 夜糖zz


    landsendconvey 回复 @夜糖zz: C

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    可以加上翻译吗 作者

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