绘本 Go Away, Mr. Wolf 走开,大灰狼 Knock!Knock!Knock!Who's that knocking at our little front door?谁在敲门啊?我们正玩得高兴呢。" Anyone for ice cream?"said a furry, friendly voice."Go away, Mr. Wolf."said the three little pigs. And they quickly shut the door. “谁需要冰淇淋啊?”狡猾的狼先生啊,扮演得好像呢,雪糕车都开来了,后面拿了网准备捉走小猪猪。但是小猪猪是不会给你开门的,快走开吧。 Knock!Knock!Knock!Who's that knocking at our little front door?谁在敲门啊?我们正在吃饭呢。 "Coming for a drive?" said a charming cheery voice."Go away, Mr. Wolf." said the three little pigs. And they quickly shut the door. “谁想出去兜风啊?”狡猾的假司机狼先生啊,扮演得好像呢,跑车都开来了,后面拿了袋子准备捉走小猪猪。但是小猪猪是不会给你开门的,快走开吧。 Knock!Knock!Knock!Who's that knocking at our little front door?谁在敲门啊?我们正玩得兴奋呢。 "Anyone for a game?"said a hoarse but hopeful voice."Go away, Mr. Wolf." said the three little pigs. And they quickly shut the door. “来,我们去踢球吧。”狼先生不耐烦了,直接准备用锤子砸小猪猪。但是小猪猪是不会给你开门的,快走开吧,不然射你哦。Knock!Knock!Knock!Who’s that knocking at our little front door?谁在敲门啊?我们正做饭呢。" It is a lovely day for a swim. Anybody coming with me?""Go away, Mr.