1.seatbelt 安全带
2.crosswalks 人行横道
3.siren 汽笛
4.pull over 靠边停车
5.emergency vehicle 紧急车辆
Traffic moves along on the streets and highways.
There are rules that drivers must follow to make the traffic flow smoothly.
You must wear a seatbelt.
The seatbelt helps to keep you safe.
You must stop at all stop signs.
You must also stop at a red light.
A green light means go,and a yellow light means to be careful.
If you see a sign that says school crossing,you have to be careful because you are near a school,and children might be crossing the street.
Some places are crosswalks.
Those are places where people cross the street.
People who are walking have the right the way.
If you hear a siren behind of you, you must pull over.
An emergency vehicle like a police car or an ambulance might need to get somewhere fast.
When a school bus puts on the flashing signals,you have to stop.
You can't go pass the school bus because children may be crossing the street from the bus.
You should always obey the speed limit.
It is not good to drive too fast.
People should never drink and drive.
Driving is a serious business.
You have to obey all the rules to be a good driver.
You must stop and all stop signs.应改为You must stop at all stop signs.第二遍也有类似错误,可一并改正
阿坑是个坑 回复 @如舸斋王依民: 已修改
An emergency vehicle, like a police car or an ambulance might need to get somewhere fast. 应该是get some more fast
阿坑是个坑 回复 @1391618wumn: somewhere应该是对的,意思上也更合理