英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_54 The Restaurant

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_54 The Restaurant





1.booth 卡座

2.dessert 甜点

3.cutlery 餐具

4.napkins 餐巾

5.appetizer 开胃菜

6.tip 小费


The Restaurant

When you go to a restaurant you might see a sign that saysplease wait your seat.

A host or hostess will ask you how many people are in your party.

Then they will want to know if you want to sit in the smoking or no-smoking section.

The host or hostess will take you to your seat.

You might sit at a table or at a booth.

The host or hostess will give a menu to look at.

Sometimes there are different menus for different meals.

There can be a breakfast menua lunch menu and a dinner menu.

Sometimesthere are also a wine list and a dessert menu.

The food and the prices of the food are listed on the menu.

On your tablethere will be cutlery.

Cutlery is knivesforks and spoons.

There will also be a napkin.

You are supposed to put your napkin on your lap when you eat.

Your waiter or waitress will take your order.

You might want a appetizer before your meal.

Some people want a salad or soup before their meal.

After your mealyou might want a dessertor teaor coffee.

When it is time to goyou will pay your bill and leave a tip for the waiter or waitress.

  • Omgo

    这里是 sporks吧

    阿坑是个坑 回复 @Omgo: 具体是在哪里呢

  • 双双对对汪汪

    A hoster,hostess是否应为A host or hostess…… 接下来The hoster hostess……,也应该是The host or hostess……吧?

    阿坑是个坑 回复 @双双对对汪汪: 字幕问题,已修改,感谢纠正

  • Simfly2000

    第一句:sign that says: "please wait to be seated"

    阿坑是个坑 回复 @Simfly2000: 已修改,感谢纠正

  • Omgo


    阿坑是个坑 回复 @Omgo: 可以对照着看,字幕我也可以改

  • 小燕爱花花


  • 听友400252495


  • Omgo

    是 a host or hostess吗

    Omgo 回复 @Omgo: 这是8秒

  • 听友334561781


  • 听友418754066
