





Hello! Good evening!晚上好!I’m so happy to see you. I’m树华,and it’s almost time to say good night.



But first, I want to say, thank you! I have not made any晚安英语in nine months, but, I can see that you are still listening, and liking, and replying to晚安英语。That’s so wonderful. I’m glad you like the show!



But also, I want to say I’m sorry. I’m sorry that it took me so long to come back to晚安英语. When I started the show, in 2020, I challenged myself to make 5 episodes every week. It wasn’t easy, but I kept going until I made 100 episodes. Sometimes, it’s amazing what you can do if you just keep going!



After that I took a break, and in that break, my life changed a lot. I have a lot of new work now. I even came back to the USA! I wanted to start this show again, but I couldn’t find enough time. You see, the hardest part of晚安英语is thinking about new ideas and new topics to share with you. I already shared 100 ideas with you. What else can I talk about?



Then, I had an idea. I don’t have to think about new ideas at all. Why? Because all of you already have so many ideas. In fact, I would love to know what you are thinking about.



So, from now on,晚安英语will be a little different. I want you to share your ideas and your questions with me. Send me your questions here on喜马拉雅or on微博and then I will reply to your questions on this show.



I don’t know if I can make 5 new shows every week, but we’ll see. For now, send me your questions, and one week from today, I will start making new晚安英语for you every week.



What do you think? Is that a good idea?



I hope so. But now it’s time to say goodnight. So, goodnight!


  • hellom7


    来自美国的周树华 回复 @hellom7:

  • 岁月静好花盛开


    来自美国的周树华 回复 @岁月静好花盛开: Thank you for listening! I'm happy to be back!

  • Mooi22


    来自美国的周树华 回复 @Mooi22: 这是个好question,我可能过不久就要好好思考然后回答!可是每个人都不一样吧,我的想法可能不符合你的情况

  • 听友75452345


    来自美国的周树华 回复 @听友75452345: 就是因为我跟喜马拉雅的合约已经到期了,现在没有这种要求

  • BreatheLife


    来自美国的周树华 回复 @BreatheLife: Thank you for this question! It's a very interesting question and I'll talk about it on the show soon!

  • 星梦南歌


    来自美国的周树华 回复 @星梦南歌: Happy to be here!

  • 明月出天山云海

    welcome to come back, 树华. I found 晚安英语 a month ago,then listen to the programm almost every day,your voice can calm me down,the topic is warm,just like chat with a friend,thank you for your wonderful share.

    来自美国的周树华 回复 @明月出天山云海: That's great! Thanks for listening! I really do want the show to be something that feels comfortable & friendly.

  • David被人注册了

    Very familiar

    来自美国的周树华 回复 @David被人注册了: I wonder who it could be...

  • 王巧恋

    welcome back~ I haven’t listen your program before! How do you think about work and life balance?

    来自美国的周树华 回复 @王巧恋: Welcome! That's a great question! I'll answer it soon

  • CeliaBao2021

    Long time no see

    来自美国的周树华 回复 @CeliaBao2021: