It’s easy to heel helpless~like you can’t fight to tide。But remember:small actions can have a huge impact and one person like you can inspire others action。听了,读,读了,跟原音写,写了读,读准音,而后背~特别感谢吖,我的塑料英语逆袭就死磕口语粉碎机了^_^
摄影师Kasion 回复 @摄影师Kasion: It’s easy to feel helpless~like you can’t fight the tide。But remenber:small actions can have a huge impact and one person like you can inspire to others action.重新听写了了一遍。
It’s easy to heel helpless~like you can’t fight to tide。But remember:small actions can have a huge impact and one person like you can inspire others action。听了,读,读了,跟原音写,写了读,读准音,而后背~特别感谢吖,我的塑料英语逆袭就死磕口语粉碎机了^_^
摄影师Kasion 回复 @摄影师Kasion: It’s easy to feel helpless~like you can’t fight the tide。But remenber:small actions can have a huge impact and one person like you can inspire to others action.重新听写了了一遍。