

  • 听友143432743


    借得南风伴丝弦 回复 @听友143432743: 我百度了,写在评论区了,你看看吧。

  • 借得南风伴丝弦

    In ancient times, Zhenjiang City, Jiangsu Province, in Eastern China,was called JingKou. 中国东部的江苏省镇江市,在古代便有京口之称。

  • 借得南风伴丝弦

    Located at the golden cross of the Yangtze River and the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal, it is a place of strategic importance. 位于长江和运河的黄金十字交叉点上,可谓咽喉之地。

  • 童趣sweety


  • 借得南风伴丝弦

    The upper reaches of the Yangtze River deposit a lot of silt here, which has gradually built up into a small island in the river. 长江上游携带的大量泥沙到了这里逐渐沉积,成为了江中小岛。

  • 借得南风伴丝弦

    There are three beautiful mountains here, namely,Jinshan Mountain, Beigu Mountain, and Jiaoshan Mountain, which are closely connected with the Yangtze River and are called the Three Mountains in Jingkou. 在这里有三座秀美的小山,金山、北固山和焦山,与长江紧密相连,被称为京口三山。

  • 借得南风伴丝弦

    Jinshan Mountain is only 42 meters above sea level. 其中金山的海拔仅有42米。

  • 借得南风伴丝弦

    Although Jinshan Mountain is said to be on the Yangtze River, because the river's course has moved to the north, Jinshan is now some distance away from the Yangtze. 据说原来金山就在长江边,由于后来长江北移,如今的金山距长江边已有些距离了。

  • 借得南风伴丝弦

    Beigu Mountain,10 meters higher than Jinshan Mountain, is just beside the Yangtze River. 比金山海拔高10米的北固山就在长江边。 From here, Jinshan Mountain can be seen in the west and Jiaoshan Mountain in the east. 西可见金山,东可见焦山。

  • 借得南风伴丝弦

    The mighty river flows around the foot of the mountain. 浩荡江水从山脚下奔流而过。 Jiaoshan, the highest of the three,with an altitude of 70.7 meters and an area of 38 hectares. 而最高的焦山海拔70.7米,方圆38公顷。