4921. flaw:/flɔ:/ n.错误;缺点;缺陷,瑕疵【I returned the material because it had a flaw in it. 我退掉了那块布料,因为有瑕疵。// There's a fatal flaw in your reasoning. 你的推理有一处致命的缺陷。// This report is full of flaws. 这个报告充满错谬。】;
4922. flawless:/ˈflɔːləs/ adj.完美的;无瑕的【a flawless complexion 光洁无瑕的面容 // a flawless performance 完美的表演 】
4923. compact:/kəmˈpækt/ adj.紧凑的;密实的;小巧的【a compact camera 小巧的相机 // What a compact office! How did you fit so much into so little space? 多么小的办公室!你们是如何把这么多东西塞进这么小的空间的? 】;v.压缩;把…压密实;把…压紧【Cars had compacted the snow until it was like ice. 汽车把雪碾得越来越实,直到变得像冰一样。】;n./ˈkɒːm.pækt/ 带镜的粉盒【a powder compact 粉盒】;合约;契约;协定【They made a compact not to reveal any details. 他们互相约定不透露任何细节。】;(美式英语)小型汽车;
4924. admiration:/ˌædməˈreɪʃən/ n.钦佩;羡慕;赞赏;欣赏【My admiration for that woman grows daily. 我对那个女子的钦佩与日俱增。// I'm full of admiration for you. 我非常钦佩你。】
4925. idealism:/aɪˈdɪəlɪzəm/ n.理想主义;唯心主义【the idealism of the younger generation 年轻一代的理想主义】
4926. idealistic:/aɪdɪəˈlɪstɪk/ adj.理想主义的;空想的【Idealistic young people died for the cause. 理想主义青年为这项事业而献身。】
4927. genetic:/dʒəˈnetɪk/ adj.基因的;遗传信息的【a genetic defect 基因缺陷 // a genetic disease 遗传性疾病】
4928. astonishment:/əˈstɒnɪʃmənt/ n.惊愕;惊讶【To the astonishment of her colleagues, she resigned. 她竟然辞职了,这让她的同事们大吃一惊。// She stared at him in astonishment. 她吃惊地盯着他看。】<相关记忆 No.500 astonish >
4929. broke:/brəʊk/ adj.一文不名的,没钱的【Many small businesses went broke (= lost all their money) during the recession. 经济萧条时期,许多小企业都破产了。】;v. break 的过去式
4930. broker:/ˈbrəʊ.kər/ n.经纪人,中介,掮客【and insurance broker 保险经纪人 // I called my broker for advice about investing in the stock market. 我给我的经纪人打电话咨询股市投资的问题。】;v.作为经纪人(或中间人)安排(交易、协议等)【The diplomats have failed in their attempts to broker a ceasefire. 外交官们促成停火的尝试已告失败。】
4931. deprivation:/ˌdeprəˈveɪʃən/,/ˌdeprɪˈveɪʃən/ n.缺失,缺乏,匮乏【They used sleep deprivation as a form of torture. 他们把不让睡觉作为一种折磨人的手段。// There were food shortages and other deprivations during the Civil War. 南北战争期间食品短缺,物资匮乏。】
4932. deprive:/dɪˈpraɪv/ v.夺走,抢去,剥夺【He claimed that he had been deprived of his freedom. 他声称自己被剥夺了自由 // You can't function properly when you're deprived of sleep. 如果被剥夺了睡眠,人体就无法正常工作。】
4933. admittance:/ədˈmɪtəns/ n.准许进入;进入(权)【"Private - no admittance". “私人住宅,禁止入内”。// The enquiry centred on how the assassin had gained admittance to (= succeeded in entering) the building. 调查的焦点放在刺客是如何获准进入大楼的。】<相关记忆No.499 admit>
4934. admittedly:/ədˈmɪtɪdli/ adv.(用于不情愿地承认某事时)诚然,无可否认【Admittedly, I could have tried harder but I still don't think all this criticism is fair. 不可否认,我本来可以再努力些。尽管如此,我认为这些批评也并非完全公正。】
4935.hip:/hɪp/ n. 臀部,髋部;adj.时髦的,时尚的【The bars in the old part of the town are frequented by hip young students. 镇上老城区的酒吧是时髦的年轻学生常光顾的地方。】;
4936. mechanism:/ˈmekənɪzəm/ n.机械部件;机械装置【These automatic cameras have a special focusing mechanism. 这些自动相机有特殊的对焦装置。】;体制,结构方式【The mechanism for collecting taxes needs revising. 收税制度需要修改。】;(处理棘手情况的)方法,机制【She's actually kind of insecure, and her rudeness is just a defence mechanism. 她其实很缺乏安全感,她的粗鲁不过是出于防卫心理。】;(生物体内的)机制,构造【the balance mechanism in the ears 耳内的平衡机制 // Pain acts as a natural defence mechanism . 疼痛算是一种自然防护机制的作用】
4937. mechanize:/ˈmekənaɪz/ (英式常用 mechanise) v.使机械化【Farming has been mechanized, reducing the need for labour. 耕作已经机械化了,减少了对劳动力的需求。】
4938. lemonade:/leməˈneɪd/ n.柠檬水,柠檬汽水【a glass of lemonade 一杯柠檬水】
4939. insistence: /ɪnˈsɪstəns/ n.坚决要求;坚持主张;坚持【Insistence on better working conditions by the union has resulted in fewer employee absences. 工会坚决要求改善工作条件使得员工缺勤的现象有所减少。// Her insistence that she should have the best room annoyed everyone. 她坚持要最好的房间,这使大家都很恼火】<相关记忆No.2056 insist>
4940. insistent:/ɪnˈsɪstənt/ adj.坚持的;坚决要求的【insistent demands 一再的要求 // insistent appeals 一再的呼吁 // The teacher is insistent that the school is not to blame for the situation. 这位老师坚持说学校不应对这种情况承担责任。】
4941. adventurer:/ədˈventʃərə/ n.冒险者;冒险家【an adventurer travelling the world 周游世界的冒险家 // He was something of an adventurer, living most of his life abroad. 他颇像个冒险家,一生大部分时间都是在国外度过的。】;投机分子【He was portrayed in the press as a gold digger and adventurer. 报纸把他描述成一个淘金者和投机分子。】
4942. adventurous:/ədˈventʃərəs/ adj.喜欢冒险的;大胆创新的【I'm trying to be more adventurous with my cooking. 我正努力在烹饪方面有所创新。】;惊险刺激的,惊险的【She led an adventurous life. 她的一生充满冒险刺激。】
4943. imaginative:/ɪˈmædʒənətɪv/ adj.新颖的,独创的【an imaginative new approach 有独创性的新方法 // The architects have made imaginative use of glass and transparent plastic. 建筑师们别出心裁地使用了玻璃和透明塑料。】;富于想象力的,有创意的【an imaginative designer 富于想象力的设计师】
4944. imaging:/ˈɪmɪdʒɪŋ/ n.成像(尤指计算机屏幕上的成像)【computer imaging 计算机成像 // New imaging technologies mean that doctors are better able to screen for breast cancer. 新的成像技术意味着医生能够更好地筛查乳腺癌。】
4945. frustrating:/frʌsˈtreɪ.tɪŋ/,/ˈfrʌstreɪ.tɪŋ/ adj.令人灰心的;使人气馁的【He doesn't listen to what I say and it's so frustrating. 他根本不听我在说什么,这真让人泄气。// My job can be very frustrating sometimes. 我的工作有时会很令人沮丧。】
4946. frustration:/frʌˈstreɪʃən/ n.(因不能满足需求而)沮丧;令人沮丧的事物【I could sense his frustration at not being able to help. 我可以感觉到他因无力帮忙而心感沮丧。// This job has more than its fair share of frustrations. 做这份工作本不该有如此多的挫折。 // In spite of his frustrations, he fell in love with the country. 尽管他很沮丧,他还是爱上了这个国家。】;阻止计划实现;防碍成就获得【The frustration of his ambitions made him a bitter man. 他的抱负受挫使他成了一个怨天尤人的人。】
4947. derivation:/ˌderəˈveɪʃən/ n.起源,出处;衍生物,派生物【What is the derivation of the word "redshirt"? “红衫军”这个词的由来是什么?】
4948. derivative:/dɪˈrɪvətɪv/ adj.缺乏独创性的;模仿的【His style is very derivative. 他的风格有很重的模仿痕迹。】;n.衍生物,派生物;派生词【"Detestable" is a derivative of "detest". detestable 这个词是从 detest 派生而来的。】;金融衍生产品【the derivatives market 衍生品市场】
4949. revolve:/rɪˈvɒlv/ v.(使)旋转;(使)转动;(使)环绕,围绕【The earth revolves around the sun. 地球围绕太阳转。// Using graphics software, you can revolve the image on the screen. 使用图形软件,你可以旋转屏幕上的图像。】
4950. armament:/ˈɑː.məmənt/ n.武装;战备【As the country prepares for war, more and more money is being spent on armament. 这个国家准备开战,军备开支越来越大。】;armaments<复数> 武器;军备 【the country's armaments programme 这个国家的军备计划】