Bears, plum tree
by MaggieMurphy,
art by Kristin Sorra.
All the plums onbear's tree were ripe.
I'll share these sweet plums with my friends,
he said,
so he filledthree bags with plums.
Then he strolledoff to Badger’s House and gave her the first bag.
These plums lookdelicious,
said Badger,
I have somethingfor you, too:fresh, cherries.
Thank you, saidbear.
Next, bearclimbed the hill to Raccoon's house and gave him the second bag.
What a nicesurprise, said Raccoon.
I have somethingfor you too:apricots.
thank you verymuch,
said bear.
Finally, bearscircled back to Rabbit’s house and gave him the third bag.
Mnn, I loveplums,
said rabbit,
and I havesomething for you, too:Peaches from my trees.
thanks, saidBear.
I have wonderful friends.
Back at home,bear smiled.
Now I know justwhat to eat for supper. He said.
And bear madefruit salad.
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