2020年10月2日版 Name That Song

2020年10月2日版 Name That Song

Name That Song 第2680期
If you love music, here is an easy game that you can play with your classmates.

Number of participants(参与者): At least three

You will need:
• A music player
• At least 20 different songs
• Paper and pen for keeping score

How to prepare:
• One person is the judge. The others will be the players.
• You need to prepare enough music for the game. Make sure you have pop, jazz and other music genres(类型).
• The judge should know the name of the artist and the title of each song.

How to play:
• The judge randomly(随机地) picks a song and plays it for around 10 to 15 seconds.
• Players will be given 30 seconds to name the artist and the title of the song.
• If the first player fails, the question will pass to the next player. If none of the players knows the answer, the judge will reveal the answer.
