163 Animal Fair

163 Animal Fair


I went to the animal fair,

The birds and the beasts were the there,

The big baboon, by the light of the moon,

Was combing his aubum hair.

The monkey, he got drunk,

And sat on the elephant's trunk,

The elephant sneezed and fell on his knees,

And that was the end of the monk.

Said a flea to a fly in a flue,

Said the flea, oh, what shall we do?

Said the fly, let us fly!

So they flew through a flaw in the flue.

I went to the animal fair,

The birds and the beasts were there,

The big baboon, by the light of the moon,

Was combing his aubm hair.

The monkey, he got drunk,

And sat on the elephant's trunk,

The elephant's trunksneezed and fell on his knees,

And that was the end of the monk the monk, the monk, the monk!

  • 从前不后悔以后不将就

    我们一起去小动物们的聚会, 那儿有小鸟和野兽, 有一只大狒狒借着月光 正在梳理他金灿灿的毛发。 有一只猴子从他的床铺上掉了下来, 然后顺着一只大象的鼻子滑了下来, 那只大象打了个打喷嚏——啊嚏! 大象跪在地上, 猴子怎么样了, 小猴子,小猴子,小猴子,小猴子? 我们一起去小动物们的聚会, 那儿有小鸟和野兽, 有一只大狒狒借着月光 正在梳理他金灿灿的毛发。 有一只猴子从他的床铺上掉了下来, 然后顺着一只大象的鼻子滑了下来, 那只大象打了个打喷嚏——啊嚏! 大象跪在地上, 猴子怎么样了,

  • 营佳


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