【Top Words】10 Things to Do at a Bank

【Top Words】10 Things to Do at a Bank



Hi, everybody. Welcome back to Top Words. My name is Alisha, and today, we're going to talk about 10 things to do at a bank. These are going to be some phrases that include some key verbs and some key nouns we're using at the bank. Let's go.

"Make a deposit."

Make a deposit, make a deposit. So, a deposit means putting money into the bank. So, putting your money into your bank account. "To make a deposit." So, deposit means put in. So, deposit your lunch in the bag. What? Deposit your money in the bank account. So, put money into your bank account is "make a deposit." In a sentence, "I'd like to make a deposit."

"Make a withdrawal."

The next word is "make a withdrawal." So, withdrawal is a hard word to say. "Withdrawal," so the W sound in this word is softened a lot. A withdrawal. We don't really say /withadrawal/ here. Make a withdrawal. It's sort of like a long /awl/ sound, /awl/, withdrawal, make a withdrawal. So, to make a withdrawal is the opposite of making a deposit. So, making a withdrawal is taking money out of your bank account, to remove money from your bank account. That's to make a withdrawal. In a sentence, "I need to make a withdrawal from my savings account."

"Open/close an account."

The next word or the next pair actually is "open an account" and "close an account." So, "to open an account" means to start a new bank account at the bank. "To close an account" means to finish your account, or it's like, maybe to remove any money, to withdraw any money in the account and finish the account. So, you remove your account from that bank. So, "to open" means to start a new account. "To close" an account means to remove your account from that bank. In a sentence, "I'm going to open a new account for my business."

"Apply for a loan."

The next expression is "apply for a loan." Many banks also offer loan services. This can be home loans or maybe for vehicle loans or maybe college loans as well. So, to apply for a loan is something you can do at a bank. Fill out some paperwork and present it to the bank staff. "Apply for a loan." In a sentence, "Where can I apply for a home loan?"

"Apply for a credit card."

The next expression is "apply for a credit card, to apply for a credit card." So, many banks again have credit cards available for their customers to use. So, if you would like a credit card or if you would like to try to get a credit card, you need to complete an application at the bank or maybe it's an online application. So, filling in your financial details, your personal details, and so on. So, "to apply for a credit card." In a sentence, "You can apply for a credit card online."

"Check your balance."

The next expression is "check your balance." So, "balance" means the amount of money in your account. That's what balance means. So, to "check your balance" means to check how much money is in your bank account. You can do this online. Of course, you can do this at the bank, but I think nowadays most people would check it online. In a sentence, "Check your balance through online banking."

"Cash a check."

The next expression is "cash a check." So, a "check" is a type of payment that we use in the United States, though I think it's less common these days. A check is a piece of paper that if it's my check, for example, the check is attached to my bank account. The piece of paper has like my bank account number and a number that's special that designates, that tell someone which bank the account belongs to. It's called the "routing number." So, on this piece of paper, which has my name and maybe my contact information, I can write an amount of money. Like if I want to pay someone $100, I can write $100 to Meg or $100 to someone and I can write why I'm giving them that money. So, if I want to write a check, I can write my check and say like, "This check is to Meg. It's $100 for a video," for example.

So, this is a way to pay someone for something quickly if you don't have cash. So, maybe you don't have cash and you can't use a credit card for some reason. So, just like personal transactions, we can still record those transactions by using the account number and the routing number. And this check, if using a check, you can still track it in your account as well. So, checks are useful sometimes. In a sentence, "Speak to a bank teller to cash your check." Ah, bonus vocabulary word. "Teller" is the word that we use for staff at the bank. So, "teller" means a person who works with money or accounting, that sort of thing, who keeps track of money. A teller, a bank teller is someone who counts money and helps with transactions at the bank.

"Fill out a deposit slip."

The next expression is "fill out a deposit slip." So, "fill out" means write, essentially. So, before you make a deposit, or maybe before you make a withdrawal at the bank, you need to fill out, so which means write your information on a deposit slip. So, a "slip" is a small piece of paper. That's what slip means as a noun, a deposit slip, for example, or maybe a withdrawal slip. There's also one. So, if you would like to put money into your account, you can fill out a deposit slip that says how much money, the name of your account, or your account name rather, your name, and maybe the account number. But a deposit slip. Fill out a deposit slip to deposit your money. In a sentence, "Fill out a deposit slip before you speak to the teller."

"Make a transfer."

The next expression is "make a transfer." We could use this for "make an international transfer" as well. So, a "transfer" means sending money from one bank account to another bank account. This could mean sending money from one account in one bank to another account in the same bank or it could mean sending money to an international account. But either way, there's no cash like physical cash being transferred. It's an electronic transfer. To make a bank transfer, to make a transfer. In a sentence, "I'll make the transfer tomorrow."

"Manage finances."

The next expression is "manage finances." You might see this in bank advertisements, like, "managing your finances" or "helping you manage your finances." So, something like that. So, to manage your finances just means control your money. It's to control your money. So, your finances is like your bank accounts, your cash, all of your loans or credit cards, or whatever. All of that is finances, and then "manage" means like your control or to take care of something. So, banks will say, like, "Let us help you manage your finances." "Let us help you take care of your money," in other words. In a sentence, "It's important to carefully manage your finances."

Alright, so those are 10 things that you can do at a bank. Let us know if there's something else that you often do when you visit banks. Thanks very much for watching this episode of Top Words and I will see you again soon. Bye-bye.

So, I'm saying I want to pay Meg $100 for being an awesome friend. I don't know. That's a weird thing to pay someone for. That's very strange.

