




《福尔摩斯探案全集》是英国作家阿瑟·柯南道尔创作的小说集,主角名为夏洛克·福尔摩斯(Sherlock Holmes),共有4部长篇及56个短篇。第一部长篇《血字的研究》完成于1886年,隔年与其它作品合集出版于《比顿圣诞年刊》。被多次改编为电影与电视剧。


阿瑟·柯南·道尔(Arthur Conan Doyle,1859年5月22日~1930年7月7日),生于苏格兰爱丁堡,因塑造了成功的侦探人物——夏洛克·福尔摩斯而成为侦探小说历史上最重要的作家之一。代表作有《福尔摩斯探案集》(包括《血字的研究》、《四签名》、《巴斯克维尔的猎犬》等)。






Sherlock Holmes Short Stories L1

福尔摩斯探案故事 L1

The Speckled(1) Band


At the time of this story, I was still living at my friend Sherlock Holmes's flat in Baker Street in London. Very early one morning(2), a young woman, dressed in black, came to see us. She looked tired and unhappy, and her face was very white. 'I'm afraid! Afraid(3) of death, Mr Holmes!' she cried. 'Please help me! I'm not thirty yet and look at my grey hair! I'm so afraid!'


'Just sit down and tell us your story,' said Holmes kindly.


'My name is Helen Stoner,' she began, 'and I live with my stepfather(4), Dr Grimesby Roylott, near a village in the country. His family was once very rich, but they had no money when my stepfather was born. So he studied to be a doctor, and went out to India. He met and married my mother there, when my sister Julia and I were very young. Our father was dead, you see.'


'Your mother had some money, perhaps?' asked Sherlock Holmes.


'Oh yes, mother had a lot of money, so my stepfather wasn't poor any more.'


'Tell me more about him, Miss Stoner,' said Holmes.


'Well, he's a violent man. In India he once got angry with his Indian servant and killed him! He had to go to prison because of that, and then we all came back to England. Mother died in an accident eight years ago. So my stepfather got all her money, but if Julia or I marry, he must pay us £250 every year.'


'And now you live with him in the country,' said Holmes.


'Yes, but he stays at home and never sees anybody, Mr Holmes!' answered Helen Stoner. 'He's more and more violent(5) now, and sometimes has fights with the people from the village. Everybody's afraid of him now, and they run away when they see him. And they're also afraid of his Indian wild animals which run freely around the garden. A friend sends them to him from India. And the animals are not the only wild things in the garden; there are also gipsies. My stepfather likes these wild people, and they can come and go where they like. Poor Julia and I had very unhappy lives. We had no servants. They always left because they were afraid of my stepfather, and we had to do all the work in the house. Julia was only thirty when she died, and her hair was already grey, like my hair now.'


'When did she die?' asked Sherlock Holmes.


'She died two years ago, and that's why I'm here. We never met anybody in the country, but sometimes we visited some of my family who live near London. There Julia met a young man who asked to marry her. My stepfather agreed, but soon after this she died.' Miss Stoner put(6) her hand over her eyes and cried for a minute.




1. speckled 布满斑点的

    speckle 斑点,色斑


The sky was speckled with stars.


2. very early one morning 一大早

    very late in the night 深夜

3. be afraid of 害怕

    be afraid of water 害怕水

    be afraid of fire 害怕火

    be afraid of death 害怕死亡

4. stepfather 继父

    stepmother 继母

5. violent 暴力的

    violent crime 暴力犯罪

    violent movies 暴力电影

6. put one's hand over one's eyes and cry 捂住眼睛哭泣

  • 致一然

    4. stepfather 继父 stepmother 继母 5. violent 暴力的 violent crime 暴力犯罪 violent movies 暴力电影 6. put one's hand over one's eyes and cry 捂住眼睛哭泣

  • 未到17_朔月栎_淡网版


    未到17_朔月栎_淡网版 回复 @雪梨米米: 似乎声音有一些吧?我刚听也这么觉得。

    雪梨米米 回复 @未到17_朔月栎_淡网版: 我还是觉得太娘了

    未到17_朔月栎_淡网版 回复 @当当当666: 嗯嗯,喜欢这个老师,还有感情

  • 未到17_朔月栎_淡网版


    羡羡想喝酒 回复 @未到17_朔月栎_淡网版: 闯关类型的小说也可以 灵魂画手值得拥有 好看

    未到17_朔月栎_淡网版 回复 @Cherrylele: 我也

    Cherrylele 回复 @未到17_朔月栎_淡网版: 最喜欢东野圭吾的白夜行,解忧杂货店

  • 未到17_朔月栎_淡网版


    未到17_朔月栎_淡网版 回复 @听友262963848: 啧啧,人渣

    未到17_朔月栎_淡网版 回复 @听友262963848: 嗯……(⌒▽⌒)

    听友262963848 回复 @未到17_朔月栎_淡网版: 说不定海伦的妈也是这个继父弄死的

  • 未到17_朔月栎_淡网版


  • in_the_possible


    多多妈Renee 回复 @in_the_possible: 就是蛇