2020年9月25日版 My Lovely Sister

2020年9月25日版 My Lovely Sister

My Lovely Sister 第2678期
Every time I read the proverb, “ Actions speak louder than words,” I think of my three-year-old sister. She is unable to speak clearly or in complete(完整的) sentences. But her actions are able to speak for her. I have spent many lovely moments with her.
I enjoy playing with my younger sister. Sometimes she makes me laugh. She used to take our father’s phone, run towards me with it and point it at me. She wanted me to play her favorite cartoon for her. When the cartoon was on, she would be very happy. Sometimes we wouldn’t hear anything from her for a while. She was so quiet. And when we looked for her, we would sometimes find her doing something naughty like drawing on the walls. She would be happy when she was given chocolate or we took her out.
My parents say that when I was little, I acted just like my sister. When I play with her, I feel like my early childhood days have returned.
