



Zachary Davis: For me, acting morally means doing what is right. But how do I know what is right? How do I know what is moral? In the 18th and early 19th century, there was a school of philosophy called common sense philosophy. They had an easy answer to this question.


Richard Bourke: The notion was that basically our sensibility or the way in which our feelings have been constructed for us enables us to be moral creatures.


Zachary Davis: That is University of Cambridge History professor Richard Bourke. According to the moral philosophers, we already know what is moral and what isn’t, just by virtue of being alive. If we’re repulsed by the idea of stealing from our neighbors, then that means it isn’t moral.


Zachary Davis: But what happens when two people don’t feel the same about the morality of an action? What if one person’s view is that stealing is moral if you steal from the rich and give it to the poor? But in another person’s view, stealing is immoral no matter what?


Zachary Davis: For 18th century Prussian philosopher Immanuel Kant, this was a problem. In his 1785 book Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals, he set out to understand how morality could be a universal law, something that didn’t change from person to person.


Richard Bourke: The really basic thought of Kant is if you're going to have morals, surely we have to distinguish this from mere taste or whim. I mean, it can't be the case of “I don't happen to like immoral behaviors”. It must be, Kant wants to say, that these are absolutely unacceptable, or to put it another way, a moral obligation is necessitated. It must be the case. It's a binding norm, an obligation in the original sense of the word. And therefore, it's almost like a law. I mean, it is an absolute restriction on behavior which says “this is wrong”.


Zachary Davis: Welcome to Writ Large, a podcast about how books change the world. I’m Zachary Davis. In each episode, I talk with one of the world’s leading scholars about one book that changed the course of history. For this episode, I sat down with Professor Richard Bourke to discuss Immanuel Kant’s Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals.


Richard Bourke: Immanuel Kant was born in 1724 in Königsberg, and he spent his whole life there. He died in 1804, so it was a reasonably long life.


Zachary Davis: Königsberg was part of the German kingdom of Prussia. It was a somewhat isolated place in the sense that it wasn’t physically connected to the rest of Prussia. But Königsberg was an important trading seaport that connected Europe to Russia, and for Kant, it was a great place—so great, that he never left! He never travelled abroad and instead spent his entire life in his native city.


Richard Bourke: He's born into more or less what we might, since the 19th century, call a working class family. That's to say, it wasn't at all elevated. He went to an ordinary school to begin with, but his talents were spotted—his intellectual talents, that is—were spotted by a minister in the church and that enabled him to get a scholarship to a high school, gymnasium as it's called in Germany, and really a classical gymnasium, and that was the Collegium Fridericianum.


Zachary Davis: The early part of Kant’s career is, well, unremarkable.


Richard Bourke: I mean, he starts off really as a natural scientist and metaphysician. And he remains a metaphysician, developing theories of knowledge and so on and so forth. But his first great work doesn't appear till 1781. And that's The Critique of Pure Reason.


Zachary Davis: In The Critique of Pure Reason, Kant explores the fundamental nature and limits of reality. For more information on this text, you can listen to our episode with Harvard professor Michael Rosen where we discuss this book in detail. But long before he wrote The Critique of Pure Reason, Kant subscribed to the philosophies of his day, including common sense philosophy.


Richard Bourke: At that point, Kant was prepared to credit the idea that the standards of moral behavior were to be found in sensibility or feeling. So, it wasn't reason that gave us moral norms, but rather it was the way in which our sensibility was constituted. So, in other words, one doesn't listen to one's reason to tell one that murder is bad. One feels revolted by the prospect.


Zachary Davis: According to common sense philosophy, this is...common sense! This philosophy was a more emotionally driven way of reasoning. Moral philosophers believed we could form norms about moral behavior by consulting our own feelings. If you feel bad about an action, it must be immoral. These ideas were championed by influential Scottish Enlightenment thinkers such as Francis Hutcheson, David Hume, and Adam Smith.


Richard Bourke: So, it is very much one’s sensibility responding. But actually, Kant relatively soon abandoned that opposition, comprehensively to never to return to it, and became, I suppose, what one would say, what one would call “a moral rationalist”. And his commitment thereto is represented by his first great work of moral philosophy, which is the Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals which is published in 1785.


Zachary Davis: In Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals, Kant departs from the idea that morals can be based on feelings, habits, and customs. He believed that this way of thinking was too subjective and would lead to too many competing morals. I might feel bad about an action, but what if you didn’t? Whose feelings were more moral? Kant was in search of something more concrete, and to get there, he believed we must consult our reason.


Richard Bourke: And the Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals is laying out, really, as it says, the groundwork, grundlagen, a laying of the foundations for moral thought indebted to pure rationality.


Zachary Davis: So, what did people believe about morality before Kant, or what's the long story of where our moral ideas come from?


Richard Bourke: Now this is the essential question. I would say if I were to sketch the situation in broad outlines, that Kant is responding to, roughly speaking, three rival theories. One of them begins with the ancients. And that is the idea that if you want to know what virtue is, you must ask the question “what is happiness?” All ancient schools of philosophy, one way or another, connected virtue to happiness. Aristotle did. The Stoics did. Epicureanism did.


Richard Bourke: So, that's a sort of staple belief. If you want to inquire what the good life for the human being is, you must ask, you know, “what is the happy life for them?” So, goodness and happiness are conflated.


Zachary Davis: This is the first theory of morals that Kant deviates from in his text.


Richard Bourke: Second of all, Kant is departing from a, for want of a better term, native tradition of moral thought, a German tradition of moral thought. And prior to Kant, there had been a sort of tradition of constructing moral duties in terms of thinking about what was prescribed by reason. So, it was rationalist, but it was about how reason could tell us to perfect ourselves.


Zachary Davis: Both of these theories were goal oriented: the first aimed toward the goal of happiness, and the second aimed toward the goal of human perfection. If you are working toward those goals, the philosophies state, then you are acting morally. The third theory was common sense—the idea that our feelings enabled us to be moral.


Richard Bourke: The best way of putting it is our sensibility was designed for morality. So, we'll see the theological component there: there's a design element. We were designed for this. But the effective point is that our passions dispose us to benevolence of the foundation of morality.


Zachary Davis: These were the three main theories of morality in Kant’s time. But Kant didn’t feel completely comfortable with any of them. He argued they were all essentially arbitrary.


Richard Bourke: If you try to say that virtue resides in happiness, well, then, of course, happiness is in the eyes of the beholder. So, your happiness is not my happiness. So, how can this be a fundamental norm of behavior?


Zachary Davis: Kant wanted a law of morality. Something similar to the laws of nature, or the laws of mathematics, or the Biblical Ten Commandments.


Richard Bourke: The phraseology of the Commandments gives you the flavor of it. Thou shalt not do X. Thou shalt not abuse thy neighbor. I mean, so this is not, as it were, something that you fancy not doing. This is something which you absolutely must not do. So, once you have this criterion of absolutely not, an absolute injunction to or an absolute injunction to avoid, and then you're dealing with something which is beyond contingency, beyond the whimsical differences which you might have about happiness. There are for Kant rules or principles which would stipulate what correct behavior is. And so to that extent, since he's focusing on that element, he's departing from all-comers.


Zachary Davis: These previous philosophies focused on the goal of morality. Moral behavior aimed toward happiness or perfection or a good feeling. But Kant turns his attention away from the goal and toward the motive, or reason, for action. He believed the motive was what defined moral behavior.


Richard Bourke: If you want to want to understand the source of standards of morality, what Kant called “the supreme principle of morality”, you must look to motive. You must look to what has prompted you to undertake this behavior. So, it's not the outcomes, it's where that action comes from.


Zachary Davis: Okay, so the motivation is a real grounding that's universal. So, could you tell us about what the book is like, kind of as a whole?


Richard Bourke: It's not a very long work, but it does have this characteristic Kantian style. No one could argue that it's an easy read. It's a mixture of dense and complicated, but it is brief. Its structure is as follows: there's a preface just setting out what kind of approach to moral philosophy he's developing, and there he basically says, “Well, here I'm going to focus on what our reason can tell us about morals. I’m not going to be concerned with anything empirical.”


Zachary Davis: Ethics and morals can be broken down into two parts, empirical and non-empirical. If knowledge about something is empirical, it is based on learned experience through our senses. Non empirical knowledge comes from theory and pure logic. When it comes to ethics and morals, Kant wants to focus on the nonempirical. He is interested in using reason to learn about morals.


Richard Bourke: So, he’s starting with what he calls “pure inquiry” or “rational inquiry” into the foundation of morals. That's essentially the preface. And then it's divided into three parts. And those three parts are as follows: first of all, in part one, what is our common understanding of what moral value is or wherein moral value lies? And he wants to say, despite the fact that he's departing from all precedent traditions, you, me and everyone else actually do have a good, strong sense of what the sources of moral value are or what the source really, I should say, is.


Zachary Davis: Like the common sense philosophers, Kant believes all humans have an inherent sense of morality. That’s what he discusses in part one.


Richard Bourke: Then part two is an analytical development of that core insight. That is to say, philosophically, he picks apart the content of the concept of morality, elucidating that into ever more refined components. And it's at that stage of the book that he develops his formulations for the categorical imperative, as it's called.


Zachary Davis: Kant’s categorical imperative is also known as the supreme principle of morality. According to Kant, we can measure our actions against the supreme principle of morality to see if we are acting from a place of morality.


Richard Bourke: His question now in part three is, “is this actually humanly possible?” So, what people forget about Kant altogether as a moral thinker is the massive dimension of skepticism which underpins his inquiry.


Richard Bourke: Now, in the end, he's not a skeptic because his answer is going to be not only is this this possible, but actually we must believe it. But so, just to clarify, he does believe it's possible, moral action, and he does believe that we must credit this possibility. But he thinks this is an enormous struggle for the human being, and we are more often than not failing as moral creatures.


Richard Bourke: We are living in a veil of corruption, and we are perpetually tempted by the antithesis of a moral willing, and our moral will, if I can put it that way, is almost in all cases overcome by the obverse of the moral will, which is the life of sensibility, or what we would just think of us as temptation, you know, the desires of pleasure, you know.


Zachary Davis: In other words, Kant believes we all know how to act morally, but it’s almost impossible for us to do so, because when we think we’re acting morally, we’re tricking ourselves.


Richard Bourke: So, our ability to talk ourselves into the idea that we are serving the good will when really we are servicing what Kant calls “the dear self”. That is to say, your own subjectivity, which subtly insinuates itself into your ambitions to pursue the good and dominates your will. In other words, you know, you say to yourself that you're doing this out of good motives, but actually, lo and behold, coincidentally, it's serving your own self-interest very handsomely indeed. And I think that is standard human behavior. We do that all the time.


Zachary Davis: This is the key difference between Kant and the philosophers who came before him. Instead of looking at the goal of an action, he is looking to the motive as an indicator of morality.


Richard Bourke: But nonetheless, there is somewhere, let's just say in the human soul, in the human psyche, in reason, there is a jewel. And that jewel is really the possibility of subordinating one's will to purely motivated actions.


Zachary Davis: So, it is possible to act morally. But rarely do we act in this way.


Richard Bourke: And another final, incredibly important dimension to Kant’s thinking is its historical dimension. His interest is really in, given the enormous struggle that we face in acting morally, what's notable is it's necessary to believe that we're getting better at it.


Richard Bourke: So, he's very much interested in the historical development—or potential historical development—of human moral aptitudes, because in the short term, we're not doing well at all. And by the way, his perspective here is absolutely world historical. That's to say, the scheme on which he imagines human morality developing is not merely the thousands of years, I mean, it's the many millennia, you know? So, he very much projects this forward because he thinks we've been doing this for millennia, and look how bad we're doing!


Zachary Davis: Back to his motivation. He, he doesn't believe morality can be based on contingency, on individual whim, on preference, on sensibility. He wants a firmer foundation, one, I presume that would be unchanged over time. Maybe our ability to live up to that moral law can change, but like the law itself should be more firm. How does he solve that problem of, I guess, relativism?


Richard Bourke: Yes. Well, Kant says in the end, actually, we would all agree that if it's to be a moral norm, it must be normative and therefore it has to have the shape of a law. It must be an objective law. And in all our requirements of other human beings and expectations, that is what we expect of them, that they would subordinate their wills to, you know, a universalizable norm.


Richard Bourke: So whilst this in the history of philosophy is a controversial perspective, in the history of human behavior, in a way, it's not. So, the demand for the moral law has always been there, even if, of course, our moral behaviors have clearly changed over time. And I think Kant's point is not that all behaviors remain static, but that there be a tribunal against which one can judge behaviors. So, there must be a foundational standard against which moral duties can be judged.


Zachary Davis: When it comes to understanding morality, Kant wasn’t interested in prescribing what we should do. He wanted a way for us to see if our actions were moral.


Richard Bourke: And his answer is, “Well, we can secure that only in terms of the supreme principle of morality,” a phrase that I mentioned before. And the supreme principle of morality resides in another principle, the principle of the good will. Kant therefore goes on to explicate what “the goodwill” is. And he says, “Of course, we all have a sense of this.” And that is to say, to give one of his examples, is the example of the merchant or the shopkeeper.

理查德·伯克:康德的答案是:“我们要确保行为道德,就必须遵循道德的最高原则。”我之前提到过这个说法。道德的最高原则源于另一个原则,即善意的原则。因此,康德接着解释了什么是 “善意”。他说:“当然,我们都有这样的意识。”举一个他给的例子,就是商人或店主的例子。

Richard Bourke: The shopkeeper might treat their customers honestly because honesty is the best policy. In other words, because honesty serves the shopkeeper well. So, if I tell you the story about the shopkeeper who did the right thing, but for these crude motives, you would yourself, Kant says, you yourself see, this is not good because it's not done from the goodwill. It's not done out of goodwill. However, if the shopkeeper treats their customers well because it's the right thing to do, then we understand that it's a moral action. So, the goodwill is, as Kant explains it, that action from duty. So, not for the sake of duty, but action from the motive of duty.


Zachary Davis: So, I guess goodwill is doing things for the right reason?


Richard Bourke: Yes.


Zachary Davis: And the right reason is the thing within you know is right?


Richard Bourke: There's a lot of what you ask. And, of course, this is very complicated. But just to say, just to at least explicate what Kant is on about a bit more clearly, let's go back to another of his examples. So, I said he gives various examples. I gave you the example of the shopkeeper. He then has the example of the naturally sympathetic character.


Richard Bourke: So, if you are, you know, some of us do, we do have different sensibilities. And some people, it gives them pleasure, you know, to distribute gifts. It gives them pleasure to bring people out to dinner, you know, general garrulity and camaraderie and sociability. But, let's say it's a duty, let's agree it's a duty to help others in distress. That's something concrete.

理查德·伯克:你知道,人们的感受各不相同。发礼物能让一些人快乐。带人出去吃饭能让一些人快乐。也就是说,友情和交际能让人快乐。但是,我们现在说的是义务, 帮助困境中的人是一种义务。这是很具体的例子。

Richard Bourke: Kant’s point is as follows: If you do that merely out of how you feel at time T-4… Today you might feel enormously sympathetic, tomorrow maybe not. Some people are depressed. They don't feel very sympathetic at all. Some people have had a really bad life. Kant is very keen to avoid moral luck. He's very keen to argue that it's not a matter of the accidents of your sensibility.


Richard Bourke: Some people have a brutalized life. We cannot blame them because they're not feeling so buoyant with the joys of springs such that they go around sprinkling gifts upon strangers. So, he wants to say, “Exactly. That cannot be a norm. But we cannot, we can ask ourselves the question, Am I contributing to charity because that's right to do, or is it simply because it makes me feel good?” So there is a concrete example.


Zachary Davis: So, this would be to say, you know, your cousin who blesses the lives of everyone, they were born that way. They love serving and caring and giving. But actually, she does it for the praise of everyone else because she likes to be esteemed. And then my uncle, who’s surly and depressed and was abused, when he calls gruffly and says, “How's it going,” but he willed that, he's more moral than the cousin?


Richard Bourke: For sure. First of all, you had her doing it because she seeks praise. As far as Kant is concerned, either she's not seeking any praise, but it makes her feel good because she's, you know, gift giving can be a pleasure, you know. So, it can be just for the pleasure of the sympathy. It doesn't have to be for the pleasure of the, it doesn't have to be the amour-propre, as it were. It doesn't have to be the regard you get in the eyes of others.


Richard Bourke: He does not believe that moral action is derived by simply rationally restraining all your instincts and your inclinations. You cannot not have inclinations. You are still a sensible animal, and no part of you could avoid pursuing happiness. That is just, as it were, in the DNA of the human being. We are pursuing happiness all the time. His point is that you must always check that. So, if you want to know if this course to happiness is correct, you act, you ask, are you doing it from duty?


Zachary Davis: Kant believes that when you act from reason and not inclination, you act morally. This is what he calls acting from duty. But lots of other philosophers took issue with this idea.


Richard Bourke: I mean, many critics of Kant say that the formalism of Kantian morality is empty. It's vacuous. So, you act, you do the dutiful thing by acting out of duty. And what’s duty? You're still left with this empty content in the end.


Zachary Davis: Kant expands on this in several formulations.


Richard Bourke: One of the formulations is called the formulation of humanity, and that is stated as follows. “So act that the maxim of your action involves treating others, other people, never merely as a means, but always also as an end.” So, now that you have a value, you can't treat other people instrumentally. Right?


Richard Bourke: So, now we began with, well, this just sort of vacuous abstraction of “duty is duty for the sake of duty.” But the duty that is duty for the sake of duty is also including not treating other people merely as means. Instead, the full formulation is—I mean, it is the way I put it, but people often phrase it as “treat people as ends not means”. It's not “treat people as ends, not means”, it's “treat people always also as ends, never merely as means”.


Richard Bourke: Because, of course, we have to treat people as means in life. I mean, you know, I buy things from you. We exchange, we do use each other. But it's never merely, I’m never merely treating you as a means. I see, my humanity includes recognizing that you have human characteristics, that you're a human being. And that is a fundamental—so, that is the foundation really of morality, seeing that other human beings are sites of self-regulating freedom.


Zachary Davis: When Kant published Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals in 1785, it was immediately well received. By this point, Kant had already made a name for himself as a respectable philosopher. This text quickly became one of the most important philosophical texts of his time, and its influence extends to today.


Zachary Davis: How has it made a mark in our world? How has it changed things that we recognize today?


Richard Bourke: People did try to critically engage, but he also very rapidly had followers. So, the neo-Kantian tradition starts immediately. The critics, though, included some extraordinary figures themselves, including three students who were together in a stiftung, a theological seminary in Tübingen in the 1790s, and their names are Schelling and Hegel and Hölderlin, the poet. But the poet also took an interest in philosophy, and all three of them became some sort of species of neo-Kantian.


Richard Bourke: They were students of theology together in southern Germany in the early days of the sort of Kantian frenzy. So, he was the biggest story in town. And so they got down to studying him.


Zachary Davis: These three students of Kant were not students in the sense that they studied directly with him. They were more like followers of his. The most influential was Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, a German philosopher and the most important figure in German idealism. And the most important follower of Hegel was Karl Marx, the great theorist of communism.


Richard Bourke: So, the legacy of Kant to that extent is so not what one would have spontaneously recognized if one went through the subsequent history of moral philosophy, because that's normally told as a story of subsequent to Kant, there is the rise of utilitarianism, and subsequent to that there is the rise of intuitionism in the early 20th century British moral thought.


Richard Bourke: So, that's the normal, you know, studying philosophy as an undergraduate, that's the sort of path that one carves out, but actually the path of Kantianism is through Hegelianism. So, there are these indirect roots. Otherwise, if one doesn't recognize that subsequent German neo-Kantian, neo-Hegelian tradition, one would be left with really the revival of Kant’s moral thought in the latter part of the 20th century.


Zachary Davis: Since 1945, there's been, you know, this enormous, many waves of liberation. Colonial territories, various minorities within Western societies, different expressions of gender, race, sexuality, etc. Do you think there's a link between these efforts at liberation and freedom to some of Kant's theories of morality?


Richard Bourke: I think there's two things worth saying. First of all, Kant, through his albeit highly complex reception, does permeate our culture. I mean, just the very phrase “don't treat people merely as ends”, you know, certainly prominent in in feminist doctrine, and one source there would obviously be de Beauvoir who was influenced by Hegel, who is, as I said, a species of neo-Kantian. So, one can do some charting there.


Richard Bourke: But there's also the extent to which, as actually Hegel would put it, Kant was, in a very sophisticated way, registering some of the cultural shifts of modern European society altogether. So, you know, there's a sense in which Kant is a natural development of Protestantism in the age of the French Revolution, you know. So, the idea of prescribing norms to oneself is the sort of very foundation of the French Constitutionalist Revolution. Yeah, “we are now going to give a constitution to ourselves” is a sort of political equivalent of “we are morally going to give norms to ourselves”.


Richard Bourke: So, that's, you know, a 1789 moment of self-determination. And self-determination, in a way, is another way of phrasing the Kantian term “autonomy”, and the two of them—autonomy and self-determination—capture a lot of modern cultural movements, just as you're saying. Of course, there is a big problem now, which is at which point does self-determination and/or autonomy devolve into merely “the things I want”?


Zachary Davis: For Kant, acting from this place would not result in moral actions. And without Kant, we might not have the tools to measure our actions against morality.


Richard Bourke: This text changed the world by obliging modern philosophical culture to rethink what the foundations of human value are, first of all, and second of all, to populate that question with a specific core value: the value of humanity or, otherwise known as, treating other peoples as always ends, never merely as means.


Zachary Davis: Writ Large is a production of Ximalaya. Writ Large is produced by Jack Pombriant, Liza French, and me, Zachary Davis. Script editing is by Galen Beebe. We get help from Feiran Du, Ariel Liu and Monica Zhang. Our theme song is by Ian Coss. Don’t miss an episode. Subscribe today in the Ximalaya app. Thanks for listening. See you next time.


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