


1、But she had not expected to cross an ocean, enter a new and romantic-sounding country, and find herself in exactly the same position. 
2、The words Dr. Hawking was choosing this morning would be printed out and sent to the publisher of his book.
3、Let us students contribute to the welfare of the victims of the  earthquake; even loose change will go a long way.
4、To tell you the truth, I'd tell Tony I'm going back to cutting the grass myself again next year,except for one thing. 
5、As expectation increases that the dollar will weaken, the foreign exchange market's reaction to US economic indicators has been fairly muted.
6、During my last spring vacation I took a job in a restaurant to help paythe costs of my trip abroad. 
7、Time after time I've invited them to come over and visit us but time and time again they've never come. 
8、The greatest cause of stress for men is work, while for women, human relationships come at the top of the list.

  • 风云_ef2
