


  • 庶富教

    frequently adv. 频繁地 Kimi baby goes shopping frequently. Kimi宝贝购物很频繁 fresh adj. 新鲜的/(水等)谈的 The air is fresh. 空气是新鲜的 The soul is fresh. 汤是淡的 I'm a freshman. 我大一 Monday 星期一,Tuesday星期二,Wednesday星期三,Thursday星期四,Friday星期五,Saturday星期六,Sunday星期日 The human being should be friends with animals. 人类应该对动物友好。

  • 44AND嘻嘻

    frequently adv. 频繁地 In front of the difficulties,we should be brave .面对困难,我们应该勇敢。 be made from 由......制成(看得出原材料) fruitful adj. 多彩的,丰硕的 frustration n.挫折 Kentucky Fried Chicken 肯德基

  • 庶富教

    Kentucky Fried Chicken 肯德基 I hope to fulfill my dream. 我希望能实现我的梦想

  • 庶富教

    friend n. 朋友 friendly adj. 友好的 Kimi is friendly. Kimi很友好 from prep. 从…来(表来源)/(表离开,脱离)离/由(表原料) be made from 由…制造 I'm from China. 我来自中国 in front of 在…前面 In front of the difficulties,we should be brave. 在困难面前,我们应该勇敢 fruitful adj. 多彩的,丰硕的 This performance is fruitful. 这次演出是多彩的 frustration n. 挫败

  • 听友386126959

    距离考试还有21天 心态崩溃哭了很久 一边哭一边听这个 就是听个安心

  • 1525389kaqp
