【英】《柳林风声》第6集:Mr.Badger's Home

【英】《柳林风声》第6集:Mr.Badger's Home


After what seemed like a long time, the door opened a few inches. A long snout and sleepy eyes peered out.“Who is it disturbing me at this hour? Speak up!”


“Oh, Badger,”cried Rat.“Please let us in. It’s me and my friend, Mole. We’ve lost our way in the snow.”


“My dear little man!”exclaimed Badger.“Come in both of you. Well, I never! Lost in the snow! And in the Wild Wood in the night! Do come in.”


Since Badger had been on his way to bed when he heard the bell, he stood in the hallway in his dressing gown. He looked kindly at Mole and Rat and patted them on the head.


“This is not the sort of evening for small animals to be out and about.”He led them into the kitchen, where they warmed up by the fire.


The kitchen was full of treasures! Rows of spotless plates winked from the shelves of the dresser. Hams and herbs hung from the rafters. There were nets of onions and baskets of eggs. Badger had enough for a feast!


Badger made them take off their wet clothes and gave them dry ones. He fixed them something to eat. While they ate, he tended to Mole’s shin and mended it until it was good as new. Sitting by the fire eating and sipping tea, it wasn’t long before the cold, damp Wild Wood seemed miles away to Rat and Mole.


They shared stories. Never once did Badger ask them not to talk with their mouths full or comment when they placed their elbows on the table. Since Badger never went outside or fancied a party, he wasn’t into animal etiquette.


As he listened to Mole’s tale of the Wild Wood, he never once said,“That was silly”or“You should have listened to Rat.”Mole liked him at once.


After they finished their meal, Badger asked,“How’s old Toad doing?”


“From bad to worse,”said Rat.“Another smashup last week. A bad one. He insists on driving himself, but he simply can’t do it. Nobody can teach him anything.”


“How many has he had?”asked Badger.


“Smashes or machines?”asked Rat. He sighed.“That would be seven for both!”


Mole added,“He’s been in the hospital three times. He’s paid a lot of fines.”


“That’s part of the problem,”said Rat.“We all know he’s rich, but Toad isn’t a millionaire. We are his friends and ought to do something.”


But Mole and Rat knew the rules of animal etiquette. No one can do anything strenuous or moderately active during the off-season of winter. They had to rest as much as possible.


“Once winter is over, we’ll do something,”agreed Badger.“We’ll take Toad aside and bring him back to reason. We’ll stand for no nonsense. We’ll make him a sensible Toad.”


After all that talk, the three went to bed. The next morning, when Rat and Mole awoke, breakfast was waiting for them.


Within minutes, Otter appeared at Badger’s door.“Thought I’d find you here. Everyone along the riverbank was worried when you didn’t arrive home. We were worried something terrible had happened. But I knew that if you were in a fix, you’d go straight to Badger.”


“Weren’t you nervous coming by yourself through the Wild Wood?”asked Mole.


“Nervous?”Otter showed a gleaming set of teeth as he laughed.“I’m just frightfully hungry.”


Mole fried him up a slice of ham while Otter and Rat started talking river talk.


Soon Mole and Badger started to speak. Mole told Badger how cozy and comfortable he felt in his underground home.“Once underground, you know where you are. Nothing can happen to you. Nothing can get at you.”


Badger beamed.“Yes! That’s exactly how I feel. There’s no peace or tranquility except underground. If you want your home to expand, dig and scrape a little and there you are! If you feel your house is too big, stop up a hole or two. No worrying about the weather either.”


Mole agreed and the two soon became fast friends for life.


Badger continued,“Look at Rat. A couple of feet of floodwater and he has to move to higher ground. And Toad. Nothing against Toad Hall, it is the best house in these parts, but suppose a fire breaks out? A window breaks? What would Toad do? Up and out of doors is good to roam around in but underground? That’s my idea of home.”


After lunch, Badger grabbed a lantern and took Mole on a tour of his home. Soon, they were in tunnels, passages, and hallways. Mole couldn’t believe how big they were! Mole admired every nook and cranny. Each pillar, arch, and crammed storage chamber delighted him.


“How did you ever find the time to do all of this?”he asked.


Badger answered matter-of-factly,“I didn’t do it. I only cleaned out the passages and chambers.

Long ago, in the Wild Wood, there was a city of people. Where we’re standing, they talked, walked, and slept. Who knows where they went? But we badgers stay forever. When they left, trees sprouted and more animals came. Many helped build these homes. The Wild Wood is now filled with good, bad, and indifferent animals.”


“I met some of those bad animals on my way here.”Mole sighed.


“They’re not so bad, really, Mole. I’ll pass the word around that you’re a friend of mine. You won’t be bothered anymore.”


When they returned to the kitchen, Rat was pacing nervously. He felt too confined underground.

“It’s time we leave, Mole. We don’t want to spend another night in the Wild Wood.”


“I’ll come with you,”said Otter.“I know my way through the Wild Wood blindfolded.”


“No worries for any of you,”said Badger.“My tunnels go farther than you think. I have several bolt-holes that will lead directly to the edge of the wood. I just don’t tell too many animals about them.”


Rat, Mole, and Otter smiled. Badger was always full of surprises!


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