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1 / Movies streamed on HBO Max


In a momentous decision that could upend the way movies are distributed in the future, Warner Bros., the world's second-largest movie studio, announced it would stream all of its 2021 movies at the same time they hit theaters. Shares of movie theater operators AMC and Cinemark fell more than 15% after the news.


Although movie-watching habits have been changing for years, with cheap big-screen television sets and ubiquitous streaming services, the coronavirus pandemic has exacerbated those trends. 


"No one wants films back on the big screen more than we do. We know new content is the lifeblood of theatrical exhibition, but we have to balance this with the reality that most theaters in the US will likely operate at reduced capacity throughout 2021," Ann Sarnoff, chair and CEO of WarnerMedia Studios and Networks Group, said in a statement. 


WarnerMedia CEO Jason Kilar said in Thursday's blog post that the studio's 2021 slate includes 17 films, such as "The Little Things," "Tom & Jerry," "Godzilla vs. Kong" and "Dune."




英 [məˈmentəs] 美 [moʊˈmentəs]

adj. 重要的;重大的


英 [juːˈbɪkwɪtəs] 美 [juːˈbɪkwɪtəs]

adj. 普遍存在的;无所不在的


英 [ɪɡˈzæsəbeɪt] 美 [ɪɡˈzæsərbeɪt]

vt. 使加剧;使恶化;激怒

2 / Leaves will fall earlier


Research shows that deciduous trees can only absorb a set amount of carbon each year and once that limit is reached, no more can be absorbed. 


At that point, leaves begin to change color. This limit is set by the availability of nutrients, particularly nitrogen, and the physical structure of the plant itself. 


Nitrogen is a key nutrient that plants need in order to grow. In a world with increasing levels of carbon in the atmosphere, more carbon dioxide is absorbed by trees and other plants than in previous times, and leaves change color and fall earlier. 


The study's predictive model suggests that by 2100, leaves will fall from trees between three and six days earlier than they do now.




英 [dɪˈsɪdjuəs] 美 [dɪˈsɪdʒuəs]

adj. 落叶性的,脱落性的;非永久性的

3 / Time with 'Mona Lisa' under hammer


As the coronavirus pandemic keeps visitors away, the Louvre is offering close-up time with the "Mona Lisa" and a walk along the French museum's historic rooftop at an auction to help plug a gaping hole in its finances. 


The highest bidder will get the chance to witness the annual examination of Leonardo da Vinci's masterpiece, usually only glimpsed over the heads of a crowd thronging the portrait. 


Also among the two dozen lots going under the hammer is an oil canvas painted in 1962 by Pierre Soulages and held in the artist's private collection, a bespoke timepiece by watch-maker Vacheron Constantin, and a walk along the rooftop of the 800-year-old Louvre palace with French street artist JR. 


Each year, the "Mona Lisa", perhaps the world's most famous painting, is taken down from the wall and removed from its glass case for a fleeting check. The work, from around 1503, is threatened by a crack. 


Some world leaders are among a fortunate few who have in past decades witnessed the event. Auctioneer Christie's hopes the online auction will raise more than 1 million euros, including an estimated 10,000-30,000 euros for the "Mona Lisa" experience.




英 [bɪˈspəʊk] 美 [bɪˈspoʊk]

adj. 定做的,定制的

v. 显示,展现;表明……的存在,证明;预订(bespeak 的过去式)

4 / World’s top plastic polluters


Coca-Cola, PepsiCo and Nestlé have been accused of “zero progress” in reducing plastic waste, after being named the world’s top plastic polluters for the third year in a row. 


Coca-Cola was ranked the world’s No 1 plastic polluter by Break Free From Plastic in its annual audit, after its beverage bottles were the most frequently found discarded on beaches, rivers, parks and other litter sites in 51 of 55 nations surveyed. 


Last year it was the most frequently littered bottle in 37 countries, out of 51 surveyed. It was found to be worse than PepsiCo and Nestlé combined: Coca-Cola branding was found on 13,834 pieces of plastic, with PepsiCo branding on 5,155, and Nestlé branding on 8,633. 


Coca-Cola said it was working to address packaging waste, in partnership with others, and disputed the claim that it was making no progress.



Hi everyone, here are words you should know from today's news.

No.1 momentous

In a momentous decision that could upend the way movies are distributed in the future, Warner Bros., the world's second-largest movie studio, announced it would stream all of its 2021 movies at the same time they hit theaters. 

No.2 ubiquitous

No.3 exacerbate

Although movie-watching habits have been changing for years, with cheap big-screen television sets and ubiquitous streaming services, the coronavirus pandemic has exacerbated those trends. 

No.4 deciduous

Research shows that deciduous trees can only absorb a set amount of carbon each year and once that limit is reached, no more can be absorbed. 

No.5 bespoke

Also among the two dozen lots going under the hammer is an oil canvas painted in 1962 by Pierre Soulages and held in the artist's private collection, a bespoke timepiece by watch-maker Vacheron Constantin, and a walk along the rooftop of the 800-year-old Louvre palace with French street artist JR. 

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