12.3 英音朗读版

12.3 英音朗读版

  • fushoujun

    Life is full of pain and drudgery But the trick is to enjoy the few perfect experiences where given in the moment

  • Schwa的存在


  • 张爱娟Aj

    12.3早读 | 面对人生的痛苦和乏味, 秘诀就是享受当下 Life is full of pain and drudgery, but the trick is to enjoy the few perfect experiences we're given in the moment.

  • 緑原

    Life is full of pain and drudgery, but the trick is to enjoy the few perfect experiences we're given in the moment.

  • 听友273645548

  • 有趣丸子

    Life is full of pain and drudgery But the trick is to enjoy the few perfect experiences where given in the moment