02.【纯享版】序言-Prologue-1 消失的爸爸

02.【纯享版】序言-Prologue-1 消失的爸爸



   Sometimes Miguel Rivera thought he was cursed. If he was, it wasn't his fault. It was because of something that happened before he was even born

    有的时候,米格 · 里韦拉觉得自己被诅咒了。如果真是这样,那也不是他的错。事情要从他出生之前说起。

    Long ago, in the town of Santa Cecilia, there was a family with a mamá, a papá, and a little girl. Their house was always full of joy—and music. The papá played guitar. The mamá and the girl danced. And everyone sang. 


    But the music in the happy house wasn't enough for the papá. His dream was to play for the world. So one day, he left with his guitar and never returned.


    Miguel didn't know what happened after that for the musician. But he sure knew what the mamá had done. The story of Mamá Imelda had been handed down in the Rivera family for generations.


    Imelda didn't waste one tear on that walk-away musician! She banished all music from her life, throwing away instruments and records, and found a job. Was it making candy? Fireworks? Sparkly underwear for wrestlers? No!


    Mamá Imelda made shoes. And so did her daughter. And then her son-in-law. And her grandkids. The Rivera business and the family grew in sync. While music tore the family apart, shoes held them together.


    Miguel heard this story each year on Día de los Muertos: the Day of the Dead. He used to hear it from his Mamá Coco, but she didn't remember much anymore. This year, she sat in a wicker wheelchair, vacantly staring at the ofrenda, that special place in their house where Miguel's family placed remembrances of and gifts for their ancestors to honor them.


