


4501. fictional:/ˈfɪk.ʃən.əl/ adj.想象的;虚构的【a fictional story 虚构的故事】;

4502. harmonious:/hɑːrˈmoʊ.ni.əs/ adj.悦耳的,和谐的;和睦的;协调的【a harmonious combination of colours 协调的色彩搭配】

4503. database: /ˈdeɪ.t̬ə.beɪs/ n.(计算机)资料库,数据库【We're linked to the online database at our head office. 我们与总部的网上数据库联网。】

4504. datum:/ˈdeɪ.təm/ n.(一条)信息,数据,复数为data

4505. selfless:/ˈself.ləs/ adj.无私的【selfless devotion to duty 对职责的无私奉献】

4506. obese:/oʊˈbiːs/ adj. 肥胖的,臃肿的【Obese people tend to have higher blood pressure than lean people. 胖人常常比瘦人血压高。】

4507. obesity:/əʊˈbiːsəti/ n.肥胖【A diet that is high in fat and sugar can lead to obesity. 高脂肪和高糖饮食会导致肥胖症。】;

4508. activist:/ˈæk.tɪ.vɪst/,/ˈæk.tə.vɪst/ n.激进主义分子,行动主义分子;积极分子【an animal rights activist 保护动物权益积极分子】

4509. adoption:/əˈdɑːp.ʃən/ n.领养,收养【She was homeless and had to put her child up for adoption (= ask for the child to be taken by someone else as their own). 她无家可归,只好让别人收养她的孩子。】;接受;采用;采纳【Several suggestions have been offered for adoption by the panel. 总共提出了几种建议以供专家小组采纳。】;

4510. aggression:/əˈɡreʃ.ən/ n.侵略;侵犯;攻击;挑衅;(体育比赛中的)进攻【an act of aggression 攻击行为】

4511.capability:/ˌkeɪ.pəˈbɪl.ə.ti/ n.能力;才干;水平【These tests are beyond the capability of an average twelve-year-old. 这些测试超出了一个普通12岁孩子的能力。】;军事力量【Several countries are trying to develop a nuclear capability. 几个国家正在试图发展核力量。】

4512. capitalist:/ˈkæp.ə.t̬əl.ɪst/ n.资本主义者,资本家;adj.资本主义的 = capitalistic/ˌkæpɪtəˈlɪstɪk/ 【a capitalist country 资本主义国家】

4513. grief:/ɡriːf/ n.(尤指某人之死引起的)悲痛,悲伤,悲哀【Newspapers should not intrude on people's private grief. 报纸不应再去侵扰那些正承受丧亲之痛的人们。】

4514. grievous:/ˈɡriː.vəs/ adj.极严重的,剧烈的;使人痛苦的,令人悲伤的【grievous wounds 重伤】

4515. earnings:/ˈɝː.nɪŋz/ n.薪水,工资【Average earnings for skilled workers are rising. 熟练工人的平均工资在增长。】;(公司)利润,盈利【She predicts pretax earnings of over $13 m for the company this year. 她预计公司今年的税前收益将超过1300万美元。】

4516. bias:/ˈbaɪ.əs/ n.偏见;偏心;偏袒【political bias in the press 新闻界的政治偏见 // It’s clear that the company has a bias against women and minorities. 很明显,公司对女性和少数民族有偏见。】;倾向;趋势;偏好【She showed a scientific bias at an early age. 她在少年时就显示出对科学的偏爱。】;v.使…怀有偏见【The newspapers have biased people against her. 报纸使人们对她产生了偏见。】;使产生偏差【Several factors could have biased the results of the study. 有几个因素可能会使研究结果产生偏差。】

4517. knowledgeable:/ˈnɒlɪdʒəbəl/ (also knowledgable) adj.知识渊博的;有见识的【Graham’s very knowledgeable about wines. Graham对葡萄酒很在行。】

4518. madden:/ˈmæd.ən/ v.激怒;使狂怒;使非常恼火【The unfortunate animal was maddened with pain. 那只不幸的动物痛得发狂。 // It maddens me to see how unfairly Jon has been treated. 看到Jon遭到如此不公平的对待,我很气愤。】(形容词形式是mad, 疯狂的,很生气的,疯的)

4519. acquaint:/əˈkweɪnt/ v.使熟悉;使了解;使认识;使知悉 acquaint sb/yourself with sth 【Take time to acquaint yourself with the rules. 花些时间熟悉一下规则。】

4520. quota:/ˈkwəʊtə/ n.定额,限额,配额,定量,指标【The country now has a quota on immigration. 该国现在对外来移民人数有限额。】;

4521. sadden:/ˈsæd.ən/ v.使悲伤,使难过,使伤心【Those who knew him are saddened by his death. 认识他的人对他的死感到悲伤。// It saddened him that they no longer trusted him. 他们的不再信任,使他很伤心】

4522. ultimately:/ˈʌltəmətli/ adv.最终,最后【Ultimately, the decision rests with the child’s parents. 最终,决定权在孩子的父母身上。// Everything will ultimately depend on what is said at the meeting with the directors next week. 一切将最终取决于下周开会和董事们商议的结果。】;终归,终究【Ultimately, he'll have to decide. 他终究要作出决定。】

4523. ward:/wɔːd/ n.病房,病室【the other patients in the ward 病房里的其他病人】;牢房,囚室;被监护人(尤指儿童)

4524. agreeable:/əˈɡriːəbəl/ adj.令人愉悦的,惬意的,宜人的【We spent a most agreeable couple of hours. 我们度过了极为愉快的几个小时。// an agreeable young man 和蔼可亲的年轻人】;可以接受的,适合的【The main objective is to find a solution that is agreeable to the company in terms of cost. 主要目标是找到一个在成本方面符合公司要求的解决方案。】

4525. apologetic:/əˌpɒləˈdʒetɪk/ adj.表示歉意的;抱歉的;道歉的【She gave me an apologetic smile. 她向我露出歉意的微笑。】

4526. disability:/ˌdɪsəˈbɪləti/ n.残疾,缺陷,残障【children with severe learning disabilities 严重学习障碍的儿童】

4527. fairy:/ˈfeəri/,/ˈferi/ n.小仙子,小精灵【Do you believe in fairies? 你相信有小仙子吗?// She used to think there were fairies at the bottom of her garden. 她曾经以为她的花园深处有小精灵。】

4528. hail:/heɪl/ n.雹,冰雹【heavy showers of rain and hail 大雨和冰雹】;v.赞扬(或称颂)【Lang’s first film was immediately hailed as a masterpiece. Lang的第一部电影立刻被誉为杰作。// A young man is being hailed a hero tonight after rescuing two children. 今晚,一个年轻人救了两个孩子,被誉为英雄。】;跟(某人)打招呼【She leaned out of the window and hailed a passerby. 她探出窗外,向一个过路人打招呼。】;招手请出租车停下,招呼,呼喊【The hotel doorman will hail a cab for you. 旅馆的门卫会为你叫辆出租车。// I tried to hail her from across the room. 我在屋子的另一端冲她喊。】

4529. jealousy:/ˈdʒeləsi/ n.妒忌;羡慕【I felt sick with jealousy. 我羡慕得要死。// Her beauty causes envy and jealousy. 她的美貌惹来嫉妒和羡慕。】

4530. laborious:/ləˈbɔː.riəs/ adj.耗时费力的;艰巨的,艰难的【Collecting the raw materials proved a long and laborious task. 收集原材料证明是一项长期而艰苦的任务。】

