Sailing Medley

Sailing Medley


Sailing Medley - Children's Music Crew

I'll sing you a song

A good song of the sea

With a way hey blow the man down

And trust that you'll join

In the chorus with me

Give me some time to blow the man down

There once was a skipper

I don't know his name

With a way hey blow the man down

Although he once played a remarkable game

Give me some time to blow the man down

His ship lay be-calmed in the tropical sea

With a way hey blow the man down

He whistled all day but in vain for a breeze

Give me some time to blow the man down

My Bonnie lies over the ocean

My Bonnie lies over the sea

My Bonnie lies over the ocean

Oh bring back my Bonnie to me

Bring back bring back

Bring back my Bonnie to me

Bring back bring back

Bring back my Bonnie to me

  • 斗牛熊


  • 糊涂319


  • vvbaopiaomo

  • 王莫莉

    So good

  • 1873151iwux

  • 听友52920363
