42. Sleep

42. Sleep



  Why is it so difficult to fall asleep when you are overtired?There is no one answer that applies to every individual. It is possible to feel “tired” physically and still be unable to fall asleep, because while your body may be exhausted, you do not feel sleepy. It is not so easy to simply “turn off”.
    Lack of sleep complicates matters even more. Experts say adults need at least seven to eight hours of sleep a night to function properly. When you get less sleep than that on consecutive three nights, you begin to accrue four “sleep debt”. As sleep debt increases your body experiences a stress response. Now a vicious cycle has been created: You experience the feeling of being more and more tired, but your body is increasingly stimulated. “Power sleeping” for more hours on weekends is only a temporary solution. There is no substitute for getting a good night’s sleep on a regular basis.

Useful Words and Expressions:
1. overtire 使过度疲劳
2. apply to 将……应用于
3. consecutive 连续的,连贯的
4. accrue 自然增加,产生
5. vicious恶的
vicious cycle 恶性循环
6. stimulate 刺激,激励
7. substitute for 代替……,替换……


  • 鲸落_8c5


    几许icon 回复 @鲸落_8c5: 其实我感觉它的语速比专四慢,我都是用倍速

  • 会唱歌的鸢尾花July


    半盏清贤 回复 @简单简易:

  • 千里尽长歌y

    vicious cycle我写成了vicious circle 除读音不一样。对比之后发现,他俩在n.循环,周期;圆;圈子;圆形物 做名词时是同义词。 区别如下 1. circle只是圈, 环状物而已; cycle才是循环, 周期循环. 一句话来表示: 前者具体, 后者抽象. 2. circle 非要有抽象意义的话, 那它表示一个圈子, 一个阶层. 你可以参照下它的英英意思。 Circle - shape of an object, a group of people Please draw a circle

    豆乳虫虫 回复 @千里尽长歌y: circle和cycle的读音还是蛮好区分的…我写成了psycho

  • 听友71089375


    TheMax000 回复 @听友71089375: 这些好像都比专四长一点

  • 不要说我认识你

    抱怨是没有用的,成功的人之所以能够站在别人所仰望的地方,那是因为他们从不过多的抱怨,而是难题面前默默攻克,一点点来拾起着自己的成就感,自信心!so practice makes perfect!

  • simon209

    you begin to accrue four “sleep debt 应该是 you begin to accrue for “sleep debt”.

    赽泺kuaile 回复 @simon209: 就是four 意思是如果你连续三天睡眠不足,相当于你欠了四天睡眠债

  • 一心向上的小苗0925


    半盏清贤 回复 @一心向上的小苗0925: 666

  • 今晚梦到我

    说语速慢的.这一篇里几乎都是长句 留给你写句子的时间也很短 语速慢有啥用啊

  • 1368276gqks

    我写的sleep dead

    李辛提 回复 @1368276gqks: 我也是

  • 1539357dnmz

    只有我把basis写成了bases吗 现在都搞不懂这两个词的区别

    小x小x只想学习 回复 @1539357dnmz: bases是base和basic的复数形式。base可以做n. v. adj。basis只能做n.。base侧重于指有形的,物质的基础。basis侧重于无形的或抽象的。比如the basis of the friendship。☺加油啊。