11月25日早间英文播报:Xi: Create new paradigm for cybersecurity

11月25日早间英文播报:Xi: Create new paradigm for cybersecurity


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A child watches cloud video footage usingvirtual reality technology at the Light of Internet Expo, part of the WorldInternet ConferenceInternet Development Forum, in Wuzhen, Zhejiang province, on Sunday.ZHAI HUIYONG/FOR CHINA DAILY

Xihails important role of internet in economic recovery, global cooperation

China is ready to work with other countriesto create a new paradigm for cybersecurity as well as a community with a sharedfuture in cyberspace, President Xi Jinping said in a congratulatory letter tothe World Internet Conference-Internet Development Forum, which opened on Monday in Wuzhen,Zhejiang province.

Xi hailed the important role of theinternet in promoting economic recovery, ensuring social progress around theworld and promoting international cooperation against the COVID-19 pandemic.Since the COVID-19 outbreak, telemedicine, e-learning, sharing platforms andcollaboration systems have been widely used, the letter noted.

"China is ready to work with othercountries to seize the historic opportunities presented by the informationrevolution, foster new growth drivers through innovation, break new ground indigital cooperation, create a new pattern for cybersecurity, build a communitywith a shared future in cyberspace and join hands to create a brighter futurefor humanity," Xi said in the letter.

The two-day forum, with the theme of"Digital Empowerment for a Better Future, Building a Community with aShared Future in Cyberspace", is very timely, said Liu Zhenmin,under-secretary-general for economic and social affairs of the United Nations.

"As the world embraces digital transformation,the need for international cooperation has become more urgent than ever. Theinternational community welcomes China's initiative and engagement in globalinternet governance," he said at the forum's opening ceremony via video.

Yang Yuanqing, chairman and CEO of techcompany Lenovo, said he was deeply inspired by Xi's remarks in the letter,which reaffirmed the critical role of digital technologies and the internet.

"The digital and intelligenttransformation that we human beings are experiencing is a huge opportunity forthe information technology industry. It should also be guided by technologicalinnovations like 5G," Yang said on the sidelines of the forum.

"The remarks empowered us to continueto leverage 5G to drive the transformation progress and join hands withupstream and downstream industrial chains to contribute to the development ofthe digital economy and an intelligent society," he said.

As COVID-19 continues to spread worldwide,countries across the world should leverage "global cooperation as a strongweapon and informatization as an effective means of fighting against thepandemic", said Zhuang Rongwen, minister of the Cyberspace Administrationof China.

"During the pandemic, China hasactively used frontier technologies such as big data and artificialintelligence in resource allocation and epidemic prevention," Zhuang said."China has shared such experience without reservation with other countriesand such moves have been widely praised by the international community."

Zhuang noted that the nation will furtherstrengthen technical means in protecting the safety and health of people of allcountries, especially in helping underdeveloped regions to improve theirtechnological capabilities, so that the internet can truly offer support forhumankind globally.

The latest data from the forum showed thatChina's digital technologies and internet expansion are both on the fast trackdespite lingering economic uncertainties. So far, the country has built theworld's largest commercial 5G network.

As of June, the nation's internet usersreached 940 million, with 381 million people using online education, 199million people engaged in telecommuting and 276 million people using onlinehealthcare services.

"In the upcoming five years, China,together with the United States, South Korea, Japan and a few markets inEurope, will be leading 5G development," said John Hoffman, CEO of theGlobal System for Mobile Communications Association, an internationalassociation of mobile operators.

The association said that China is set toaccount for 70 percent of global 5G connections this year and is expected tohave 450 million 5G connections by 2025, which will be the most globally.

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