11月24日早间英文播报:Xi calls for building poverty-free world

11月24日早间英文播报:Xi calls for building poverty-free world


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President Xi Jinping addresses the Leaders'Side Event on Safeguarding the Planet of the 15th G20 Leaders' Summit via videolink from Beijing on Sunday. LI XUEREN/XINHUA

Proposalput forward at event to bolster G20's role in global battle against COVID

President Xi Jinping has underlined theimportance of development in tackling poverty, vowing to build a poverty-freeworld featuring common development with other countries.

Speaking during the second session of the15th Group of 20 Leaders' Summit via video link in Beijing on Sunday, Xi calledfor efforts to alleviate the debt burden of developing countries and to providenecessary financial support to them.

He also stressed that digital technologyshould play a role in providing more opportunities for vulnerable groups includingsmall and medium-sized enterprises, women and youth to be lifted out ofpoverty.

On Saturday, Xi called on all members ofthe G20 to consider greater teamwork on vaccines, free trade, technology, thedigital economy and debt reduction in tackling the impact brought by the secondwave of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Xi put forward a four-point proposal forbolstering the "irreplaceable role" played by the G20 in the globalvirus fight in a speech via video link to the first session of the summit onSaturday.

Calling for building a global firewallagainst COVID-19, Xi urged G20 members to bring the disease under control athome and help countries in need, speed up action and support the World HealthOrganization in mobilizing and consolidating resources and distributingCOVID-19 vaccines fairly and efficiently.

China stands ready to step up cooperationwith other countries on the research, development, production and distributionof vaccines, and will honor its commitment to give assistance and support to otherdeveloping countries and work to make vaccines an accessible and affordableglobal public good, he said.

To ensure the smooth functioning of theglobal economy, Xi highlighted the need to restore the secure and smoothoperation of global industrial and supply chains, reduce tariffs and barriers,and explore the liberalization of trade in key medical supplies whilecontaining the virus.

Xi called for bolstering links andsynergies between policies and standards as well as building "fasttracks" to facilitate travel.

"China has proposed a global mechanismon the mutual recognition of health certificates based on nucleic acid testresults in the form of internationally accepted QR codes. We hope morecountries will join this mechanism," Xi said.

Speaking on the growth of the contact-free,digital economy which has been accelerated by the pandemic, Xi said G20 membersshould foster an enabling environment for the development of the digitaleconomy, enhance data security cooperation, strengthen digital infrastructureand level the playing field for high-tech companies from all countries.

Countries should also "address thechallenges posed by the digital economy to employment, taxation and vulnerablegroups, and seek to bridge the digital divide", Xi added.

On helping developing countries overcomethe hardships caused by the pandemic, he said China, despite its owndifficulties, has fully implemented the G20's Debt Service SuspensionInitiative and put off debt repayments totaling over $1.3 billion.

China will further suspend or relieve thedebt of countries facing particular difficulties, he said, adding that the G20members "should help women walk out of the shadow of the pandemic"and take the challenge of food security seriously.


At the session, Xi also put forwardfour-point proposals on strengthening the leading role of the G20 in terms ofupholding multilateralism, pursuing openness and inclusiveness, promotingmutually beneficial cooperation and keeping pace with the times.

All parties should firmly support theUnited Nations' authority and status and "support the UN in moreeffectively building global consensus, mobilizing global resources andcoordinating global actions", he said.

To perfect the governance architecture foreconomic globalization, countries should firmly safeguard the rules-basedmultilateral trading system, support reform of the World Trade Organization toboost its efficacy and authority, promote free trade, oppose unilateralism andprotectionism and uphold fair competition, Xi said.

To further reform the internationalfinancial system, he called on countries to conclude the IMF's 16th GeneralQuota Review on schedule, expand the role of Special Drawing Rights andstrengthen the global financial safety net.

Xi noted that, in order to ensure the soundgrowth of the digital economy, China recently launched the Global Initiative onData Security, based on which it is ready to discuss the formulation of ruleson global digital governance with all parties.

Also, China supports more dialogue onartificial intelligence, and proposes a meeting on this in due course toadvance the G20 AI Principles and set the course for the healthy development ofAI globally, he said.

On addressing global challenges, Xi stressedthe need to "forge a strong shield for human health and safety, and builda global community of health for all", further curtail the production anduse of nonessential, disposable plastic goods, and completely ban the illegaltrade of wildlife.

When speaking on the Chinese economy, hesaid the country "has made steady strides in economic development",and its new development paradigm "is by no means a closed-doorpolicy".

While making its economy more resilient andcompetitive, China also aims to build a new system of open economy of higherstandards, which "will create more opportunities for the world to benefitfrom China's high-quality development", he said.

Mo Jingxi contributed to this story.

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