I am constantly approached bystrangers thanking me for my service to the country and the sacrifices that Igive being in the military. I truly appreciate this gratitude and concern andalways feel humbled by the generosity of these strangers, but after my mostrecent deployment, I have realized that I may not be the person who deservesthe thanks and credit.
Military families are unbelievable. I,myself, was an Air Force brat who traveled the world and moved every few years,but times now are different. We are in our tenth year of war, and there is noconceivable end in sight. This is a truly trying time in the military and at notime in recent history have our military families had to give so much. One yearhome and one year deployed has become the standard in the military. Familieshave become accustomed to dad or mom not being around during holidays andbirthdays. Military moms and dads have become accustomed to being singleparents, and everyone has become used to keeping in touch a world a way throughSkype and instant messaging.
Recently, I learned how much militaryfamilies have to rely on each other. My wife, a saint, moved away from her homestate and endured much of her pregnancy alone with only the support of othermilitary spouses in our new state and home. She lived with the constant fearthat I would not make it home for the birth of our child and that there mightnot be anyone to take her to the hospital when her water broke in the middle ofthe night. Although I did make it home in time for our daughter’s birth, I felt comforted knowing thatmany of our friends would take care of her in my absence. I knew that when Icould not be there for my family, my extended military family would fill in forme.
Military families rely on each other;they have a bond that others will never know. They are there for each otheralways. They grieve together, and they celebrate together. They live a lifethat few will ever know or understand.
So if you ever happen to see me in anairport and thank me for what I do, I may ask you to thank my family becausewithout them I could not do what I do. I believe that the strength of ourmilitary stands directly on the back of our military families, and our militaryfamilies are the strongest in the world.
About Author: KenricSmith - Sanford, North Carolina
Kenric Smith is a major in the UnitedStates Army currently assigned to Fort Bragg, North Carolina. He has had threecombat deployments split between Iraq and Afghanistan and has been serving for19 years. He is married and a father of two daughters, both born duringdeployments.