11月12日早间英文播报:Multilateralism will prevail, Xi tells SCO event

11月12日早间英文播报:Multilateralism will prevail, Xi tells SCO event


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President Xi Jinping addresses the 20thMeeting of the Council of Heads of State of the Shanghai CooperationOrganization via video link from Beijing on Tuesday. [Photo/Xinhua]

Nationsurged to strengthen joint efforts in prevention, control of pandemic

China is calling on Shanghai CooperationOrganization member countries to set up hotlines among their centers fordisease control and prevention, and it is willing to actively consider theCOVID-19 vaccine needs of SCO countries, President Xi Jinping said.

Xi made the remarks when addressing the20th Meeting of the Council of Heads of State of the Shanghai CooperationOrganization via video on Tuesday.

He called on the countries to strengthenjoint efforts in the prevention and control of COVID-19, support each other,and deepen communication and cooperation in epidemic monitoring, scientificresearch and the prevention and treatment of the disease.

Tuesday's meeting, hosted by Russia thisyear, is the first multilateral summit attended by Xi following the recentFifth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party ofChina.

Observers noted that the gathering is beingheld at a time when countries are faced with demanding tasks such as combatingthe COVID-19 pandemic, revitalizing their economies, offsetting global economicheadwinds and fending off unilateralist political and security challenges.

History proves the benefits ofgood-neighborly friendship and mutually beneficial cooperation, said Xi, addingthat multilateralism will prevail over unilateralism.

Mankind lives in the same global village,and the interests and destinies of all countries are closely interlinked, headded.

People across the world have a strongeryearning for a better life, Xi said, adding that the trend toward peace,development, cooperation and mutual benefit is unstoppable.

Xi also voiced firm opposition tointerference by external forces in the domestic affairs of SCO member statesunder any pretext.

He stressed the need to firmly supportrelevant countries in steadily advancing major domestic political agendasaccording to law and safeguarding political security and social stability.

Xi called on countries to take practicalactions to fulfill multilateralism, improve global governance and championinternational order.

All parties should adhere to the principleof extensive consultation, joint contribution and shared benefits, and advocatethat global affairs be discussed by all countries, the governance system bebuilt jointly, and the fruits of development be shared by the people of allcountries, he said.

Speaking on China's opening-up, Xi saidChina's advance cannot be possible without the world, and the world'sprosperity needs China.

China is speeding up the formation of a newdevelopment pattern, which sees the domestic market as the mainstay and thedomestic and international markets complementing each other, and the countryseeks to build a new economic system of openness at a higher level, he said.

All parties are welcome to grasp the newopportunities brought by China's development and proactively intensifycooperation with the country, he added.

Talking about the SCO, Xi said that thegrouping should carry forward its Shanghai Spirit, strengthen unity andcooperation, make greater contributions to the stability and growth ofcountries in the region, and work to promote the building of a community with ashared future for mankind.

Xi stressed that common development is realdevelopment, and quality development requires sustainable development.

Countries should take the opportunity tostrengthen cooperation in areas such as the digital economy, e-commerce,artificial intelligence and smart cities, and next year the southwestern cityof Chongqing will host a China-SCO digital economy industry forum in order tobuild cooperation on innovation, he said.

Xi noted that there is neither superioritynor inferiority among cultures. It is necessary to promote mutual learningamong cultures and enhance neighborly friendship among countries, he said.

China will host an SCO forum ongrassroots-level friendship next year and will offer opportunities for youthexchanges over the next three years in order to boost mutual friendship, Xiadded.

Tuesday's meeting adopted a number ofstatements covering issues such as the joint battle against COVID-19, the 75thanniversary of the World War II victory, safeguarding international informationsecurity, the digital economy, and cracking down on the spread of terrorism,separatism and extremism in cyberspace.

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