11月6日早间英文播报:Xi: China aims to be market for world

11月6日早间英文播报:Xi: China aims to be market for world


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President Xi Jinping delivers the keynotespeech at the opening ceremony of the third China International Import Expo viavideo on Wednesday. The expo runs through Tuesday in Shanghai. WANGZHUANGFEI/CHINA DAILY

Nation'simports to top $22 trillion in next decade, offering huge support for globaleconomic recovery

President Xi Jinping said on Wednesday thatChina's imports in the coming decade are forecast to top $22 trillion as hehailed the nation's vast market as the world's most promising.

Xi made the remark as he spoke via videolink at the opening ceremony of the third China International Import Expo, heldin Shanghai.

He said that this year's CIIE, convened asCOVID-19 is hitting countries hard and dealing a heavy blow to the worldeconomy, demonstrates China's sincere desire to share its market opportunitieswith the world and contribute to global economic recovery.

Noting that China has continued to quickenits pace of opening-up this year, Xi announced an array of new measures forexpanding the all-around opening-up of the country, which has a middle-incomegroup that alone exceeds 400 million.

The president pledged that China willintroduce a negative list for cross-border services trade and open still widerin areas like the digital economy and the internet. It will also deepen reformand innovation in trade and investment liberalization and facilitation, andproduce institutional innovations to support an open economy of higherstandards.

China will shorten its list of technologiesprohibited or restricted from import to create a favorable environment for thefree flow of technologies across borders, Xi said.

He said a range of pro-business reliefpolicies adopted by China in the wake of COVID-19 will apply equally to allcompanies registered in China as the nation keeps improving its businessenvironment.

It will continue to make itsforeign-related legal framework more open and transparent, strengthenintellectual property protection, better protect the lawful rights andinterests of foreign investors and provide them with more high-qualityservices, he said.

Xi said that China also stands ready tosign high-standard free-trade agreements with more countries. China will workfor the early signing of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership andspeed negotiations on a China-European Union investment treaty and aChina-Japan-Republic of Korea free trade agreement, he said.

Regarding China's new development patternwith the domestic market as the mainstay and domestic and international marketsreinforcing each other, Xi said, "What we envision is not a developmentloop behind closed doors, but more open domestic and internationalcirculation."

China will explore more efficient ways toconnect domestic and foreign markets and share factors of production andresources, he said.

"Our aim is to turn the China marketinto a market for the world, a market shared by all, and a market accessible toall. This way, we will be able to bring more positive energy to the globalcommunity," Xi said.

The Chinese economy is steadily picking updespite the impact of COVID-19, as shown by the positive overall growth in thefirst three quarters, including 0.7 percent growth in foreign trade and a 5.2percent rise in foreign investment paid for projects.

The president also stressed that theoverwhelming trend for countries to move toward openness and cooperationremains unchanged, as he called on major economies and developing countries totake joint responsibility to open up and promote world development.

Foreign leaders from Pakistan, SouthAfrica, Chile, Uzbekistan, Serbia, Spain, Papua New Guinea and Hungary alsogave speeches via video link at the ceremony.

Pakistani President Arif Alvi said in hisspeech that the CIIE is important "to clearly understand what needs to besent to China, and what China is going to export".

The expo "takes place despite thechallenging circumstances", however, it is "more important than everto promote international trade," South African President Matamela CyrilRamaphosa said.

Hubertus Troska, a Daimler AG board memberresponsible for China, said that in light of the pandemic, this year's CIIE isa strong sign of China's further recovery from COVID-19 and its determinationto allow further opening-up, which benefits international companies.

"We are happy to see that the expo isbeing held as scheduled in a safe and orderly manner, and it fills our heartswith confidence," he said, adding the company is determined to pursue itsstrategy of further investment and expanding its footprint in China.

Jean-Paul Agon, chairman and CEO ofL'Oreal, the French cosmetics giant which is participating in the CIIE for athird consecutive year, said Xi's speech resonated deeply.

"As a company, we are especiallyimpressed by the speed, efficacy and pragmatism of the Chinese government inhelping businesses operate through the storm. Thanks to government incentivesand the resilience of its people, consumption in China has rebounded quicklyand strongly. This reaffirms our belief that nothing can stop Chinese people intheir pursuit of a better life," Agon said.

Ma Si contributed to this story.

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