


4321. incentive:/ ɪnˈsɛntɪv / n.激励,刺激,鼓励【Bonus payments provide an incentive to work harder. 支付奖金能刺激人们更努力工作。】

4322. fantastic:/fænˈtæs.tɪk/ adj.极好的 = extremely good 【You look fantastic in that dress. 你穿着那件连衣裙看起来棒极了。】;怪诞的;荒诞不经的;富于想象的【He drew fantastic animals with two heads and large wings. 他画了一些长着两个头和巨大翅膀的怪兽。】

4323. fantasy:/ˈfæn.tə.si/ n.幻想;想象【The story is a magical mix of fantasy and reality. 这个故事是幻想与现实的奇妙结合。】;魔幻故事;奇幻文学【His preferred reading was horror stories and fantasy. 他更喜欢看恐怖故事和奇幻文学。】

4324. induce:/ɪnˈdʒuːs/,/ɪnˈduːs/ v.诱使;劝说【Nothing could induce me to climb a mountain. 没有什么能诱使我去爬山的。= I definitely cannot be persuaded to climb a mountain.】;引起,导致【Doctors said surgery could induce a heart attack. 医生们说手术有可能引起心脏病发作。】;催生;引产【In this hospital, twins are often induced. 在这家医院生育双胞胎常常要引产的。】

4325. inducement:/ɪnˈdʒuːs.mənt/,/ɪnˈduːs.mənt/ n.引诱;引诱物;诱因【financial/cash inducements 经济/金钱诱惑】

4326. devotion:/dɪˈvoʊ.ʃən/ n.忠诚,忠实;挚爱【She will be remembered for her selfless devotion to the cause. 人们将铭记她对这项事业的无私奉献。】;宗教礼拜【He knelt in humble devotion. 他虔诚地跪拜在地上。】

4327. ecology:/iˈkɑː.lə.dʒi/ n.生态;生态学【The oil spill caused terrible damage to the fragile ecology of the coast. 石油泄漏给脆弱的海岸生态环境带来严重的破坏。】;

4328. ecological:/iːkəˈlɑː.dʒɪ.kəl/ adj.生态的;生态学的;环保的【The destruction of the rain forests is an ecological disaster. 雨林遭破坏是一种生态灾难。】

4329. impulse:/ˈɪm.pʌls/ n.冲动,突然的强烈欲望【I had this sudden impulse to shout out "Nonsense!" in the middle of her speech. 在她发言时我突然想大喊“一派胡言!”。】;脉冲【an electrical impulse 电脉冲】;动机;动力;刺激【a creative/commercial impulse 创作冲动/商业动机】

4330. impulsive:/ɪmˈpʌlsɪv/ adj.冲动的【Don't be so impulsive - think before you act. 不要如此冲动——要三思而后行。】

4331. acidity:/əˈsɪdɪtɪ/, /əˈsɪd.ə.t̬i/  n.酸的含量,酸度;酸性【This low pH level clearly shows the acidity of the soil here. 这里土壤的pH值很低,说明土壤呈酸性。】

4332. candidacy:/ˈkæn.dɪ.də.si/ (英式也可以说 candidature /ˈkæn.dɪ.də.tʃər/) n.候选人资格(或身份)【She is expected to announce officially her candidacy for president early next week. 预计她会在下周早些时候正式宣布成为总统候选人。】

4333. feasibility:/ˌfiː.zəˈbɪl.ə.t̬i/ n.可行性【We're looking at the feasibility of building a shopping centre there. 我们正在考虑在那儿建造一个购物中心的可行性。】

4334. grassy:/ˈɡræs.i/ adj.覆盖着青草的,长满青草的【a grassy hillside 长满青草的山坡】

4335. ingredient:/ɪnˈɡriː.di.ənt/ n.(食品的)成分,原料【Coconut is a basic ingredient for many curries. 椰子是多种咖喱菜的基本成分。】;(成功的)要素,因素【Trust is a vital ingredient in a successful marriage. 信任是婚姻幸福的重要因素。】

4336. marvel:/ˈmɑːr.vəl/ v.(对…)感到惊奇,惊叹【We paused to marvel at the view. 我们停下来,感叹景色之美。】;n.奇迹;令人感到惊奇的事物(或人)【It's a marvel how they've managed to build the tunnel so quickly. 真不可思议,他们能这么快就把隧道建好。】

4337. permanence:/ˈpɝː.mə.nəns/ n.持久(性);永久(性),永恒(性)【A loving family environment gives children that sense of stability and permanence which they need. 充满爱意的家庭氛围会给孩子带来他们所需的稳定感和安定感。】

4338. taxation:/tækˈseɪ.ʃən/ n. 税;税款;税金;税收;税收制度;征税;课税【to reduce taxation 减税 / changes in the taxation structure 税制结构的变化】

4339. therapist:/ˈθer.ə.pɪst/ n.治疗师【I'm seeing my therapist on Friday morning. 周五上午我要去找我的治疗医生。】

4340. weird:/wɪrd/ adj.怪异的;不寻常的;出乎意料的;超自然的【Her boyfriend's a bit weird but she's nice. 她的男朋友有点怪,不过她人倒很好。/ That's weird - I thought I left my keys on the table but they're not there. 真奇怪—我记得把钥匙放在桌子上了,但现在却不见了。】

4341. watertight:/ˈwɑː.t̬ɚ.taɪt/ adj.防水的,水密的;不透水的【hey're doing some repairs to make the roof more watertight. 他们在进行一些修理,以加强屋顶的防水性。】;(理论、计划或借口等)严密的,无懈可击的,毫无破绽的【The police had a watertight case. They even got his fingerprints from that glass cabinet. 警方找到了确凿的证据。他们甚至在那个玻璃橱柜上提取到了他的指纹。】

4342. lawful:/ˈlɔː.fəl/ adj.法定的;法律承认的;合法的,依法的【Hunting is a lawful activity in some countries. 在一些国家,狩猎是合法活动。】

4343. gender:/ˈdʒen.dɚ/ n.性别【Does this test show the gender of the baby? 这种检测能测出胎儿的性别吗?】

4344. bankruptcy:/ˈbæŋ.krəpt.si/ n.企业或个人破产(的状况)【The company was forced into bankruptcy. 公司被迫宣布破产。】;(某重要素质或影响的)彻底消失【moral bankruptcy 道德沦丧】

4345. junk:/dʒʌŋk/ n.废弃的旧东西;破烂【We ought to clear out this cupboard - it's full of junk. 我们应该清理一下这个橱柜—里面都是些破烂。】;危险毒品;(尤指)海洛因;v.丢弃,扔掉(废物)

4346. biochemical:/ˌbaɪ.oʊˈkem.ɪ.kəl/ adj.生物化学的,生化的

4347. exaggeration:/ɪɡˌzædʒ.əˈreɪ.ʃən/ n.夸张;夸大;言过其实【It would be no exaggeration to say that her work has saved lives. 她的工作挽救了很多生命,这样说一点儿都不夸张。/ Honestly, without any exaggeration, the fish was three metres long! 老实说,毫不夸张地说,这条鱼有三米长!】<相关记忆 No.2192 exaggerate>

4348. antique:/ænˈtiːk/ n.古物;古董;古玩【You can't give away Granny's old bookcase - it's a valuable antique. 你不能把奶奶的旧书柜送人,那可是件值钱的古董啊。】;adj.古物的;古董的;古玩的【antique furniture 古董家具 / antique shops 古董店】

4349. miraculous:/məˈræk.jə.ləs/ adj.奇迹般的;令人惊奇的;不可思议的【Well, you've made a miraculous recovery since last night! 哇,才一晚上你就已经奇迹般地恢复了!】

4350. tonnage:/ˈtʌn.ɪdʒ/ n.(表示船舶大小或载重量的)吨位

  • 听友223010230

    fantastic,极好的,满意的,怪诞的 fantasy幻想,想象

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